What is this?
Answers to questions about Favelets emailed to me by two or more people, or good questions that seem like they'll be asked again.
Why can't I drag favelets to my toolbar?
Probably because your computer has the "Drag" file problem. In short, search for an invisible file called "Drag" and delete it.
Could you post accessibility authoring favelets which make use of Bobby's accessibility validator?
Not at this time unfortunately. A few generous folks have sent me favelets which utilize Bobby to check the accessibility of a site. However, as of this writing (2002-04-07), Bobby's home page itself doesn't validate, and it also fails Bobby's own tests. Until this seeming contradiction is sorted out, I'm going to hold off on posting Bobby favelets. But as soon as Bobby's site is valid and accessible according to at least their own criteria and tools, I will be more than happy to post some Bobby accessibility favelets.
Why don't the favelets work in Opera (3,4,5,6)?
Opera versions 3-6 have very little support for the DOM, which favelets depend on.
Is there a problem with some of the favelets and IE6?
Yes - some of the favelets do not work in IE6/Windows. Nearly all the favelets were written and developed with IE5/Mac, so they should all work with that browser.
How big can a favelet be?
Good question. I don't know of a precise limit (which may be browser specific), but I do know that they can be at least 2055 characters, which is the present (2002-12-01) size of the "View Style Sheets" favelet.
Are there any other sites that provide favelets?
Yes, here are some that have been sent to me:
Date | Changes Made |
2003-01-05 | Linked to Slime's favelets. |
2002-12-01 | Answered a few more questions. |
2002-04-07 | Created Favelets FAQ. Every answer begins with a question. |