1. How to be a superhero

    2008-06-15 BarCampSeattle

  2. hero - definition

    • [people] that, in the face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness, display courage and the will for self-sacrifice, that is, heroism, for some greater good, originally of martial courage or excellence but extended to more general moral excellence.

  3. ethics

    scales of justice
  4. skills

    Napoleon Dynamite demonstrating his skills
  5. technology

    Technology in Joi Ito's bag
  6. missions

    • proactive: charity, volunteering
    • reactive: being ready, helping those around you
  7. collaboration

  8. super - definition

  9. superhero - definition

  10. superhuman - definition

  11. ethics

    • Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

      Uncle Ben, "Spiderman" (2002)
  12. skills - physical

    • common: strength, running, jumping
    • intermediate: climbing, descending
    • advanced: parkour parkour demonstration
  13. skills - mental

    • knowledge
    • computation, calculation
    • practical science
    • self reliance
    • realtime ethical evaluation
    • emotional strength
  14. technology

    • (redacted)
  15. missions

  16. collaboration

    • traditional - centralized
      • Justice League
      • Xavier School for the Gifted
      • Avengers
    • emerging - decentralized
      • be like the Internet, like the Web
      • small groups of individuals teaming up
      • local organization, global sharing
  17. what next

    • how can we encourage the emergence of superheroes?
    • set a good example
    • provide forums for potentials to meet and self-organize
    • share techniques and lessons learned