1. HTML5 Now

    A Step-by-Step Video Tutorial
    for Getting Started Today

    Tantek Çelik

  2. Introduction

  3. What we'll cover in this video

  4. Who this video is for

  5. Background

  6. Where did HTML5 come from?

  7. Where did HTML5 come from?

  8. HTML5 Overview

  9. HTML5 Overview

  10. HTML5 Overview: We Will Cover

  11. HTML5 Overview: Adoption Strategy

  12. HTML5 Basics

  13. HTML5 Now Basics: Text Conventions

  14. HTML5 Basics

  15. HTML5 Basics

  16. <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">

  17. HTML5 Transition

  18. HTML5 Transition

  19. HTML5 Transition: Remove Presentation

  20. HTML5 Transition: Remove Failed Features

  21. HTML5 Transition: Remove Failed Features

  22. HTML5 Transition: Maintain Compatibility

  23. HTML5 Transition: XHTML Compatibility

  24. HTML5 Transition: Update Obsolete Markup

  25. HTML5 Transition - Summary

  26. Notable changes to HTML4 features

  27. Notable changes to HTML4 features

  28. Semantic refinements to HTML4 elements

  29. Semantic recastings of HTML4 elements

  30. HTML4 black sheep acknowledged

  31. HTML4 black sheep - list numbering

  32. Questionable HTML5 restriction: <cite>

  33. Questionable HTML5 restriction: <cite>

  34. Notable changes to HTML4 features

  35. Flexibility, Universality, Consistency

  36. Flexibility, Universality, Consistency

  37. HTML5 Flexibility: hyperlinks and blocks

  38. HTML5 Universality: global attributes

  39. HTML5 Consistency: <a> <area>

  40. HTML5 Flexibility, Universality, Consistency

  41. Adopted from XHTML 1.1: Ruby

  42. Adopted from XHTML 1.1: Ruby

  43. Ruby Example

  44. Ruby Example (continued)

  45. HTML5 Ruby

  46. Checkpoint: Validating HTML5

  47. Checkpoint: Validating HTML5

  48. Checkpoint: Validating HTML5

  49. New HTML5 semantics

  50. New HTML5 semantics

  51. New Semantics: page structure

  52. New Semantics: articles, heading groups

  53. New Semantics: articles, heading groups

  54. New Semantics: figures, marks, and dates

  55. New HTML5 semantics summary

  56. HTML5 native vector graphics

  57. HTML5 native vector graphics

  58. HTML5 vector graphics challenges

  59. HTML5 native audio and video

  60. HTML5 native audio and video

  61. HTML5 audio and video challenges

  62. HTML5 audio and video source

  63. HTML5 native audio and video summary

  64. New HTML5 user interface elements

  65. New HTML5 user interface elements

  66. New HTML5 form inputs

  67. New HTML5 date time inputs

  68. New HTML5 form inputs summary

  69. New HTML5 output and details

  70. New HTML5 meter and progress

  71. New HTML5 user interface elements

  72. The HTML5 bleeding edge

  73. The HTML5 bleeding edge

  74. The HTML5 bleeding edge

  75. Checkpoint: Revalidate

  76. Checkpoint: Revalidate

  77. Conclusion

  78. Conclusion: Keep up with HTML5 evolution

  79. Conclusion: HTML5 resources

  80. Conclusion: HTML5 Now

  81. HTML5 Now

    Tantek Çelik

