1. HTML5

    Voices That Matter: Web Design 2010 San Francisco, California #html5 #vtmwd

    Tantek Çelik

  2. Why HTML5?

  3. Why HTML5?

  4. HTML5Rocks.com

    screenshot of Google's site HTML5Rocks.com
  5. apple.com/html5

    screenshot of Apple's site promoting HTML5.
  6. ie.microsoft.com/testdrive/

    screenshot of Microsoft's IE9 Preview site promoting HTML5.
  7. For Example

  8. What is HTML5?

  9. Where did HTML5 come from?

  10. Where did HTML5 come from?

  11. Where did HTML5 come from?

  12. What HTML5 can I use?

  13. Parts of HTML5 are:

  14. Dependable HTML5

  15. Dependable HTML5: DOCTYPE

  16. Dependable HTML5: meta charset

  17. Your First HTML5 Document

  18. Dependable: XHTML compatibility

  19. Dependable HTML5: refined, restored

  20. Dependable HTML5: Ruby

  21. Dependable HTML5: Ruby Example

  22. Dependable HTML5: Ruby Example

  23. Dependable HTML5: New Semantics

  24. Dependable HTML5: New Semantics

  25. Dependable HTML5: Bulletproofing

  26. Dependable HTML5: Bulletproofing

  27. Dependable HTML5: audio & video

  28. Dependable HTML5: video formats

  29. Dependable HTML5: sources, fallback

  30. Dependable HTML5: Validating

  31. Roughly Usable HTML5

  32. Roughly Usable HTML5: Canvas

  33. Roughly Usable HTML5: Canvas

  34. Unfortunately Awkward HTML5

  35. Awkward HTML5: new form inputs

  36. Awkward HTML5: date time inputs

  37. Awkward HTML5: new form inputs

  38. Awkward HTML5: meter, progress

  39. Awkward HTML5: workable features

  40. Ignorable HTML5

  41. Worthy of Web App Experiments

  42. Web App Experiments

  43. Web App Experiments are Drafts

  44. Keeping up with HTML5

  45. Help HTML5 Evolve

  46. Review: What is HTML5?

  47. Conclusion

  48. Thanks!

    Tantek Çelik

