1. HTML5

    + CSS3 + microformats

    CascadeSF 2010-182, San Francisco, California #html5 #cascadesf

    Tantek Çelik

  2. Why HTML5?

  3. Why HTML5?

  4. HTML5Rocks.com

    screenshot of Google's site HTML5Rocks.com
  5. apple.com/html5

    screenshot of Apple's site promoting HTML5.
  6. ie.microsoft.com/testdrive/

    screenshot of Microsoft's IE9 Preview site promoting HTML5.
  7. For Example

  8. What is HTML5?

  9. What HTML5 can I use?

  10. Parts of HTML5 are:

  11. Dependable HTML5

  12. Dependable HTML5: DOCTYPE

  13. Dependable HTML5: meta charset

  14. Your First HTML5 Document

  15. Dependable: XHTML compatibility

  16. Dependable HTML5: refined, restored

  17. Dependable HTML5: New Semantics

  18. Dependable HTML5: New Semantics

  19. Dependable HTML5: Bulletproofing

  20. Dependable HTML5: Bulletproofing

  21. Dependable HTML5: audio & video

  22. Dependable HTML5: video formats

  23. Dependable HTML5: sources, fallback

  24. Dependable HTML5: Validating

  25. Roughly Usable HTML5

  26. Roughly Usable HTML5: Canvas

  27. Roughly Usable HTML5: Canvas

  28. Unfortunately Awkward HTML5

  29. Awkward HTML5: new form inputs

  30. Awkward HTML5: date time inputs

  31. Awkward HTML5: new form inputs

  32. Awkward HTML5: meter, progress

  33. Awkward HTML5: workable features

  34. Worthy of Web App Experiments

  35. Web App Experiments

  36. Web App Experiments are Drafts

  37. More on HTML5

  38. Help HTML5 Evolve

  39. Review: What is HTML5?

  40. CSS3: Current Work

  41. Case Study: S5 - Upgraded

  42. S5

  43. S5

  44. S5

  45. S5

  46. Submitted Questions

  47. Thanks!

    Tantek Çelik

