Which #W3C community, remember seeing you asks @rigow. Many. Lone voice = no choice but: blog, quit, DIY. Links: 2003 I blogged XHTML working group problems and need to reprioritize: http://tantek.com/log/2003/01.html#L20030114t1345 2004 I made it clear again at W3C Workshop (Great Web Schism) meeting: "priorities of the XHTML WG are different from our priorities. We would like to see the HTML 4 and XHTML 1.x versions resolved. Most of the folks in the WG are XHTML2" and "If nobody else wants to do it then I don't need to go to the groups." http://www.w3.org/2004/04/webapps-cdf-ws/minutes-20040601.html
Less than a month later I quit the XHTML working group when I quit Microsoft: http://tantek.com/log/2004/06.html#d29t1850 and went on to create microformats.org. The creation of WHATWG/HTML5 tells a similar story by similar individuals (most also at that workshop).
Attention @rigow and any other unconditional #W3C apologists, there are plenty of talented, hard-working individuals who are working on practical, real-world, public-web web-standards. Don't waste their time with corporate or academic obstacles. Frustrating such individuals will only cause them to abandon you and do it themselves on the web with a wiki, blog, irc channel, mailing list, Creative Commons licenses (e.g. PD/CC0), Open Web Foundation agreement, etc. We have the building blocks for our independence.