
SXSW 101 and Additional Tips

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Beyond what to pack for SXSW, there are quite a few things to keep in mind, as SXSW is a conference unlike any other.

Tessa Horehled (who sparks too many good ideas), a Senior Strategist at Engauge, posted an excellent SXSW 101 – A Guide For N00bs yesterday:

In particular

Here are a few of Tessa's tips I want to specifically call out (with commentary)


There were only a few tips for which I have alternate suggestions:


All her good suggestions sparked a few more in my head:

I hope you find Tessa's SXSW 101 intro and these additional tips useful in your SXSW adventures.

Have awesome SXSW tips of your own to share? Tweet them out and cc: @tessa @t. I'll watch for them and add/attribute the best ones.