
JS/AJAX-only-biggots, I'm tired of waiting for bloated scripts before clicking links+buttons #SXSW #wifi. e.g.: @Twitter @Foursquare @Facebook etc. We figured this out in the mid-2000s: how to write Unobtrusive JavaScript¹⁰Ajax² (AKA Hijax³), how to write links and forms that work with serverside roundtrips if external JS hasn't loaded yet due to slow/flakey networks. Please up your web development game and build pages that can respond to any link or button before any CSS or JS has loaded. This is essential for flakey/slow/unreliable networks like conferences (e.g. @SXSW), mobile (e.g. in/among buildings, in subways), protests, civil unrest, government network blocking etc.

¹ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unobtrusive_JavaScript
² http://thefutureoftheweb.com/talks/2006-10-ajax-experience/slides/
³ http://domscripting.com/blog/display/41

Previously, previously, previously: ttk.me/t4DZ2, ttk.me/t4DZ3, ttk.me/t4DZ4, ttk.me/t4DZ5

on (ttk.me t4Gs4) using BBEdit