Hey @Yahoo, you're not done killing stuff.
Actual stickers at #OSB2013: http://instagram.com/p/auV6JDA9aL/ #ownyourdata:
“RSS and Atom are not rich enough to describe the kind of social web activities that we have today.” @evanpro #osb2013
The beauty of
No "pingback" jargon.
Just normal looking comments.
All #indieweb syndicated-in.
The SECOND #indieweb comments implementation, by @aaronpk: http://aaronparecki.com/notes/2013/05/21/1/xkcd
FOUR individuals/countries/websites
@kevinmarks, Twitter didn't remove rel-me links, they tco'd all website URLs on profiles. :( http://indiewebcamp.com/IndieAuth#Twitter_t.co
“We must act as citizens of the planet even if we’re not (yet) recognized as such.”