

  1. “sham therapy, needles applied at random, not pierced through skin, effective [as acupuncture]” http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/10/10/the-dangers-of-pseudoscience/

  2. Seven Rules For Marketing Your Ideas, @timoreilly at #BrooklynBeta:

    1 Not about you
    2 Tell a big story
    3 Recognize emergent community
    4 Name things to help see, show, share them
    5 Change happens slowly then all at once
    6 Create more value than you capture
    7 Work on what is hard

    Abbreviated for this note.

    I got so much from Tim's explanation and examples of each rule, that yet again I'm inspired to write a blog post. In particular, about how these rules resonated a lot with my experiences with @microformats and @indiewebcamp. But I'm going to finish that other post first.
