3. #Indieweb Annotations Focus. Our "itches" focus has solved HFA use-cases + others like RSVPs, invitations.
@nickstenning high frequency literally as in time, i.e. what annotations did #ianno14 folks most *create* today. :)
2. High Frequency Annotations. Heard talk of use-cases, but what did people *do* today? Needs HFAs blog post.
... despite shutdown, @Readmill exports can inform data models, highlights, locators: indiewebcamp.com/Readmill
1. Annotation servers fragile til proven otherwise.
E.g. @Readmill shutdown 2014-07-01 indiewebcamp.com/site-deaths#Readmill
#ianno14: Lots of thought-provoking talks and discussions. Kudos to program committee curation. Few things I'd add ...
#ianno14 @W3C Web Annotations Workshop: great @tilgovi intro noted #webmention & #microformats. GDoc slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fKcTKwcglQ3bIJjBGuAvnpqK6TOEtZwuIJ5YHXuIK0w