

  1. was just 800 short of today's #trackattack workout:
    800 warmup, 400 800 1200 1600 1200 800 400, abs
    I completed:
    800 warmup, 400 800 1200  800 1200 800 400, abs

    a photo.
    I fell behind during the first few sprints, and ran 800 instead of the 1600 peak of the pyramid so I could restart with everyone on the second 1200, and finish the remaining runs soon.

    Did the entire workout except 800 instead of 1600. So close.

    Almost six complete #trackattack workouts in a row but not quite. And won't be around for the next two. Five in a row is my personal best to beat.

    a photo.
    Ran another 1.75km after walking to coffee to round out today's distance at just over 10km (Nike+ said I hit 10.0km at exactly 1:00:00).

    I'm back for track on 2014-266 (Gregorian September 23rd), although it appears Kezar Stadium may be "closed for renovation" starting the day before that til early 2015 per this event:


    in this calendar:


    Found on this Yelp post:


    I'm hoping #NPSF #trackattack has found a substitute track by then!

    Previously: tantek.com/2014/238/t3/tough-trackattack-relay-did-all
