#Dropbox & #AmericaScores adults argue with teens on soccer field: youtu.be/awPVY1DcupE
More: uptownalmanac.com/2014/10/bros-try-kick-kids-soccer-field
"Are you sure you want to cancel? [...] [Cancel][OK]"
Does Cancel cancel? Or cancel cancelling?
Twitter's email notifications now up to 22 checkboxes: https://twitter.com/settings/notifications
Previously: tantek.com/2012/271/b1/why-twitter-spamming-new-updates-emails-every-week
post-Facebook #CyborgCamp session I predicted all here:
10y: have+use their "site">"cell"
20y: no "cell" like no pager
Arrived @CyborgCamp.
Reading fictivekin.com/purpose, feeling resonance. Read it. Especially if you create for the web.