

  1. Happy #8bitday — 256th day of the year (almost missed it!)
    This year: go #microsoft.com, try #KonamiCode!
    Prev: http://tantek.com/2014/256/b1/happy-8-bit-day-8bitday

    Next: I’ve been thinking about how to make 8-bit origami, or perhaps just pixel art origami. Web searches haven’t found much, e.g. making pixel art from a single sheet of paper, without cutting it.

  2. decided to purge stuff not part of building positive futures, donated
    5 lbs clothes
    20 CDs
    10 lbs 10y+ old technology books

    A good start.

    Going to set aside a few things to donate every day, clustering them into canvas bags. When a bag is full (or nothing more to donate of that type of item), take it to Goodwill. Repeat until everything left is useful for a positive future, or a part of my identity I want to keep and reinforce.

    Repair things and only buy things as consumables,  replacements/upgrades of current useful things, or to grow new areas of creativity & optimism.
