📖 read Chapter 7 in “Before Tomorrowland” by Jensen, Case, Bird, Lindelof. #hardcopy tantek.com/isbn/1484704215
Last night, being on the beach, with a bonfire. Voiceover by Haley. #yestergram #latergram #nofilter
#beach #bonfire #theweekendendshere #video #loop #nobaddays
Note that I’ve person-tagged this video with Haley, something you can’t do in Instagram (people-tagging videos), but you can on your own site.
Participated in my first @W3C CR transition telcon today for Social Web WG (as a chair). Excited for #Webmention. #RoadtoCR
You know it was a good weekend when you wake up smiling Monday morning. Even better, it’s a @Nov_Project_SF day. #grateful