Excited for a SOLD OUT IndieWeb Summit!
You can still join the waitlist http://2016.indieweb.org/#register for any spots that open up.
Week of:
* IndieWeb Summit
* W3C Social Web WG f2f
* Decentralized Web Summit
starts soon. But first sleep, maybe dream.
going to Decentralized Web Summit 2016-06-08…09 in SF.
This is my decentralized RSVP, federated via Webmention to Bridgy Publish to Facebook, which then marked me as “Going”, without me having to directly interact with Facebook.
Demonstrating decentralization today, indieweb style.
The building blocks:
* Indie RSVP: https://indiewebcamp.com/RSVP
* Webmention: https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/
* Bridgy Publish: https://brid.gy/about#publishing