#MozLondon: join us at a Homebrew Website Club popup in London tomorrow 18:00 thanks to @calum_ryan! cc: @potch https://indiewebcamp.com/events/2016-06-29-homebrew-website-club
Also in:
* Göteborg, Sweden
* Portland, Oregon
* San Francisco, California
and newly starting in:
* Bellingham, Washington!
Homebrew Website Club London popup tomorrow cont’d: @hoppipolly @hadleybeeman @johannakoll @joshr @JimPurbrick @cyberdees
London pals, come to a Homebrew Website Club popup 18:00 tomorrow!
@shevski @LaciJWhite @rivalee @JJenZz @clurr @hoppipolly @hadleybeeman @johannakoll @joshr @JimPurbrick @cyberdees
@JimPurbrick trying to arrange a Homebrew Website Club London meetup Wed nt. Chat on #indiewebcamp Freenode or slack.indiewebcamp.com
Hello from #MozLondon!
If you’re seeing this on Twitter, note my profile is public for the week.
Previously: tantek.com/2016/048/b1/going-silo-private-prefer-indieweb
Thanks @iwontsignuphere @jkphl.
Switching Twitter to public for #MozLondon.
Note: problem of nonsense replies still exists, public or private.
Twitter has no mechanism for deleting (or at least disconnecting/hiding) nonsense (or abusive) replies to your tweets, on your tweet permalink pages, e.g. the replies after @iwontsignuphere @jkphl to this thread:
Even if I block senders, they still show up for everyone else viewing that tweet permalink.