
a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. a jpg. 🌄 Magical sunrise[1], clouds, & fog on yesterday’s #TNFECS #ECSCA #50ktraining run. Started before #sunrise, ran up Fox, looked back to see the sun break over the headlands[2]. The view from the top of Fox looked like a different land[3], no sign of SF except a small tip of Salesforce Tower.

Looking down Coastal Fire road at the longest of shadows[4], before descending right back into the clouds, their tops lit by the rising sun[5]. Ran quite a ways under cloud cover until emerging on Coastal Trail[6] on the way up to Cardiac Hill far above[7] where I snacked and joined up with Morgan who caught up with a couple of friends

After a team-running-inspired speedy descent into Muir Woods, and rapidly navigating the maze of trails (from last week’s memory), cruising down the Sun Trail, trees for days[8]. Another speedy ride down Dipsea, a tough climb, down a fire road to Muir Road, then unwinding the path back to Tennessee Valley for a brief aid-stop at the car.

Finally up Marincello on tired legs for the extra miles to hit marathon distance, then inspired to get more vert up to the top of Alta Trail, turning around before its forest descent[9], venturing out a side trail for views of Angel Island and Alcatraz[10] before running back to the car as fast as my legs would take me.

27.3 miles and 5978' done. The farthest and most climbing I have run / power-hiked, and my last long run before my first 50k in four weeks.

I think I’m ready.

#run #trailrun #runner #trailrunners #trailrunning #powerhike #searchforvert #teamextravert #runners #optoutside #getoutside #neverstopexploring #npsf #fromwhereirun #marin #marinheadlands #latergram #nofilter #2018_293

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