Super #green, #muddy, somewhat #rainy #SFRC this morning. Stress tested the Altra Superior size 11 trail shoes through #mud #up & #downhill, on turns, in deep #puddles. They gripped well, and in squishier sections slid smoothly & predictably. Good enough to set a handful of segment PRs/2nds.
1. Near the top of Miwok Cutoff toward Coyote Ridge 2. Curvy uphill Miwok North of Tennessee Valley 3. Steep & rocky Miwok North of Tennessee Valley 4. Gentle Miwok Cutoff flat curve cut into the hillside 5. Fogged in Coyote Creek descent — normally you can see the Pacific Ocean here (e.g. #7 in 6. Fogged in Fox trail descent
Browsers currently paint a window with a default background before/while loading web pages, CSS, and other resources. This happens both upon opening a new window with a URL (initial paint), and when navigating from one page to another (transitional paint), and is currently unspecified by the CSS rendering model.
This hole in the CSS rendering model results in proposals to use meta tags instead, such as viewport, and potentially for a dark mode.
Rather than awkwardly punting this area of rendering behavior(s) to an HTML meta tag or other non-CSS solution, CSS should define how browsers should (or at least may) render initial and transitional paints, preferably with a feature that permits author control, especially (at least) between pages of the same origin.
Anything specified in the CSS rendering model for handling initial and transitional page paints should reference the HTML specification and hook into the DOM and states described in: HTML Standard: 7.7 Session history and navigation.
@briankardell How easy as in how much time and/or emotional labor is (even perceived to be) necessary to cause a (comparably useful) change in either that you can then use in subsequent work?
@briankardell contribute as in, How easy is it for a #webdev to contribute to the evolution of #CSS features & standards, compared to how easy is it to contribute similarly to #framework (#JS #template #toolkit #preprocessor …) features, #API etc.
Twitter is like the Matrix. Every few months/years someone trapped in Twitter reboots an idea to decentralize social media as The One (idea), gets attention & excited responses, not realizing they're just the latest cycle, soon to be forgotten by the next.
🌄 Yesterday morning @Nov_Project_SF, (1) 7:03 #sunrise at the aptly named Grand View Park, (2) 6:44 #dawn’s light #purple to #orange 19 minutes beforehand, at the same time (3) #moonset over an offset rainbow #gradient from clear #blue sky to #yellow (without any green), orange, #red, purple, blue, to a #green band kissing the deep #PacificOcean blue.
#trailtuesdaythrowback to #running up & around #CoronaHeights on Sunday 9 days ago, after a week of rains. 1 #steps & #trail to the peak 2 #green #hill, #brown #earth 3 #stairway to #clouds 4 💘 on the rocky outcropping
🌈⛰ Finished #InsideTrail Chabot #RedtailRidge 30k #trailrace in 4:51:00 yesterday, 19+ minutes faster PR than my first #trail 30k! Weather so fickle, #rainbow over #rollinghills, warm bright #sunshine, cold pelting rain, and so much #mud.
1 🌈⛰ a bit after the first aid station 2 lone goose nibbling grass before the #race 3 @davidtlam & I ready to #run 4 Beautiful Lake Chabot views on 1.5 miles of paved path 5 Warm sunbeams on mud and #streams 6 Slippery winding downhills 7 📷 @davidtlam: sprinting to the finish
#IndieWebCamp #Austin is next weekend! Get a #website, #ownyourdata, cut back #socialmedia, or hack on #dweb #webstandards. Join @manton2(@microdotblog) @aaronpk(#indieauth #webmention) @dshanske(#WordPress #IndieWeb) & more!
The Think Bigger Think Better podcast sounds interesting too. Will give a listen. Trivia: I was almost a philosophy double major (in addition to CS) at university!
#trailtuesdaythrowback to last #Saturday at #SFRC. 15km of puffy clouds, emerald hills, muddy trails, and a blue-green Pacific ocean. Last #longrun before the Lake Chabot 30k this Saturday.
Cool scrolling & hover effects with #JS, still renders beautifully without JS. Good progressive enhancement. #HTMLfirst #CSS #variablefonts #typography
After #running #TNFECS #Marin 50k course solo a week after last year’s canceled race, I’m looking forward to #trailrunning it with friends and aid stations.
Miles of clouds above the city. Planned to run 14 miles in the rain. Ran 15.7 (25km) in high winds instead.
My first #SFRC #trail #run this year. #trailrun #50ktraining
The clouds parted as we started[2]. Low 50s(F) with wind gusts. Streams flowing down trails[3]. Squishier, muddier. Earthworms everywhere and a few banana slugs too[4].
Sparkly sunlit paths[5], greenery lusher than usual[6], city skyline behind emerald hills[7], pinching a #VOR[8]. Minor cloudburst at Tennessee Valley trailhead. Returned home and soon the rain returned.
Choosing explicitly simpler approaches is more than just being smart & efficient, it’s ethically the right thing to do.
Simpler is a sociopolitical choice to deliberately provide more creative agency to more people. Beyond just more usable by more people, simpler technologies enable more people to build, adapt, alter, evolve their own tools of creation, rather than depending on a select privileged few to do so.
@splorp@orlandomediaco we do have the #IndieWeb Summit planned for June 29-30 in Portland, Oregon, a bit closer to you. Join us! Would be great to have you!
1. #2019_021 Dolores Park 2. #2019_023 Alta Plaza Park 3. #2019_025 Lone Mountain looking at Buena Vista 4. #2019_027 Tank Hill looking at BV, Corona Heights, and downtown
@meyerweb even better — perhaps the (subconscious) genius of it! Knowing (feeling?) that undohtml did not meaningfully convey its actual usefulness, then naturally (re)naming even the idea to something shorter, more memorable & easily (re)teachable, thus actually helping more people.
Finished Hot Chocolate 15k #HC15k in 2:05:25. 2 mile warm-up to the start with running pal Michele. We started with a slow run, switched to a run-walk after ~5k, then walked to the finish. Neither of us really trained for the #HotChocolate15k, so we took it easy, kept a conversational pace. Grateful for a beautiful day in the sun, running through the park and along the beach.
First #race of 2019. #HotChocolate15k. Not really feeling trained for it, going to run it like a fun run in Golden Gate Park and along the beach. Hope to see some friends out there!
@DonMacAskill I tried it and it worked! Link in January 7th email works: it pre-filled the @Flickr pro discount. Entering FLICKRPRO15 separately also works! Thanks for the quick turnaround! cc: @SmugMug
@SmugMug Also looking forward! Minor nit, seems @Flickr went down last night as payment processed, didn’t complete. Retried FLICKRPRO15, got "Invalid coupon code". Email on 7th said: "Use offer code FLICKRPRO15 at checkout. Offer expires January 15, 2019."
Flickr already has the best API of any photo site, and thus has the best support for IndieWeb sites wanting to syndicate to Flickr, and backfeed responses.
I have more positive thoughts about @Flickr’s future potential with its new owners, especially with respect to even better IndieWeb integration. More on that later. For now, see the additional research and links being collected and documented by the IndieWeb Community:
where one (or more) of the reply-to URLs is to a Flickr permalink post (likely others's photos, but could be my own that I'm adding tags to after I published it), Bridgy Publish (of my tag reply) should propagate that tag reply to that Flickr permalink.
This is the publish equivalent of the following backfeed features, and may be easier to start with (consider implementing publish before implementing backfeed for equivalent interaction)
December 1st (5 weeks ago today), I baked my first pie (1) and got 2nd best sweet pie in a friendly bake-off!
Using an apple pie recipe from the web, I peeled & chopped apples(3), squeezed a lemon & added flour, sugar, cinnamon(4), and mixed it(5). Buttered & pressed dough into a pie plate(6), filled and dotted it with butter(7). Covered & cut slits(8), glazed(9), and baked it(10).
I placed the still hot pie on a cork trivet, slid it carefully into a sideways brown paper bag, and let it cool en route to the bake-off. Cut slices, still warm, and shared.
Noticed @SwarmApp’s monthly recap today. It looked like a nice feature we could have on our own websites, documented it, and @cleverdevil quickly prototyped it on his own site!
Seen monthly recaps on any other sites? Please contribute!
🌴🌇🌘 dark clear & cold (42F) #predawn skies after #NPSF. Always impressed with the 05:30 crew (was a few min late) and especially grateful to Ali for leading all three workouts. 2nd 📷 in-between early/abs and 06:30 workouts. #wakeupthesun #fromwhereIrun #run #runner #runners #NovemberProject #earlygang #doublegang #dawn #sunrise #SanFrancisco #SF #palmtree #skyline #nofilter
🌳🌧🌊 December 1st, 24hrs later. It’s not always sunshine & rainbows, sometimes it’s rain & puddles. A week after 55k, stretched my legs at #SFRC to Tennessee beach & back. Grateful for a wet yet smooth 7.6 miles and a few segment PRs.
🌇 November 30th, six days after I ran 55k*, waking up with #NPSF Friday hills at the 22nd Street Jungle Stairs to cotton candy skies on fire. That evening, a seagull friend on the ledge at dusk, disappearing sunset beams glistening off East Bay windows and distant tops of Bay Bridge towers. Lastly, the N Judah MUNI rush hour commute home, passengers losing it, running into an assertive woman asking everyone to squeeze in to make more room, who turned out to be my friend Stephanie.