

  1. I Am Running For The @W3C Advisory Board (@W3CAB)


    I am running for the W3C Advisory Board (AB). If you work on or care about open web standards, I am asking you, and in particular your W3C Advisory Committee representative, to vote me for as their #1 vote (due to the way the current W3C STV mechanism is interpreted and implemented by the W3C Team).

    The web community depends on W3C as a key venue for open web standards development. We are in a period of transition and existential risks for W3C (detailed in my official Advisory Board nomination statement). I bring both the experience (served on the AB for five years, 20+ years of first-hand standards work at W3C), and the boldness (created and drove numerous open reforms) necessary to work with an Advisory Board committed to modernizing W3C into a form that continues to support pragmatic & responsive open standards development.

    There are many highly qualified candidates running for the W3C Advisory Board in this election, with a variety of strengths and abilities.

    I believe the most important issue for this election is the active modernization of W3C to both avoid its existential risks and hopefully refocus on its best qualities, providing an even better venue for modern open web standards development.

    Now more than ever we need an active Advisory Board composed of individuals who have demonstrated that they are bold web-doers that can actively drive change at the W3C. This means they must both have experience with editing & shipping broadly applicable specifications at W3C (ideally also experience with W3C processes), and have shown the initiative to teach themselves to pragmatically first-hand use the technologies of the web itself to express their work, i.e. using their own websites.

    There are (currently) four additional AB candidates that have such experience and actively use the web itself to do their work. I encourage you to read their blog posts (or blogs in general) and vote for them as well:

    1. Chris Wilson (Google)
    2. Aaron Gustafson (Microsoft)
    3. Elika Etemad (AKA fantasai, W3C Invited Expert)
    4. LĂ©onie Watson (TetraLogical)

    The deadline for votes is .

    Please Vote in the 2019 W3C Advisory Board Election (W3C Member-only link, only Advisory Committee members can vote) for myself (preferably as "Ranked 1"), and at least the other abovementioned candidates (Ranked 2 through Ranked 5) in an order according to who you think has the experience, capabilities, and will to actively collaborate and drive positive changes at the W3C. Thank you for your consideration.
