

  1. Blue skies with scattered clouds near the orange horizon, the sun rising just above building tops and behind a palm tree in Alta Plaza park with path in front.Cotton candy scattered clouds over the mesa the top of Alta Plaza park with about 30 or so people working out at November Project San Francisco.Deep blue to light blue sky with scattered gray clouds, dark backlit trees with bits of an orange horizon peaking through.🌴🌇 The sun is finally rising again @Nov_Project_SF. The air still a bit cold, the bright orange light(1) feels like an end to winter’s longer nights.

    The clouds picked up a cotton candy underglow during the last 10 minutes of the workout(2).

    Even at the start, the sky ranged from medium to light blue above a thin orange horizon(3).

    #NPSF #NovemberProjectSF #NovemberProject #wakeUpTheSun #fromWhereIRun #blueSky #optoutside #SF #SanFrancisco #freeFitness #justShowUp #AltaPlaza #AltaPlazaPark #nofilter

  2. @kongaloosh So good to finally meet you! Remember to RSVP to the next one too!

  3. likes kongaloosh’s note (@)

  4. likes @brb_irl’s tweet

  5. likes @brb_irl’s tweet

  6. likes @brb_irl’s tweet

  7. @brb_irl Sounds delightful. Enjoy disinterneting and see if you can RSVP when you return ^_^/ https://events.indieweb.org/2020/02/homebrew-website-club-san-francisco-eiKvWhy3hxoE

  8. @brb_irl welcome and nice to meet you!

    P.S. coming up this weekend: @IndieWebCamp Online!

  9. IndieWeb newsletter should treat pages edited from a redirect to actual content as new pages


    The IndieWeb This Week newsletter’s "New Wiki Pages" section, e.g. 2020-01-31 New Wiki Pages should also include pages that are not literally new in MediaWiki terms, but were a redirect page, and during the week before the newsletter were edited to no longer redirect, and have their own content instead.

    Currently in order to make a redirect page that’s been converted to a content page show up in the "New Wiki Pages" section, you have to delete the redirect page, and then recreate it with the new content. For example I did this today with the local first page. Ideally there would be no need to take that extra step of deleting the redirect page first.

    Label: enhancement.
