

  1. Strava map showing a roundtrip running route in red from Haight Ashbury to near a hairpin turn on Twin Peaks and back.Hazy sky over a view of downtown San Francisco, Buena Vista park with dark green trees, and a row of bushes in the foreground.View of Mount Tam in the distance, Marin Headlands in front of it, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Presidio hills, trees close by, and the roofs of houses near by, some with solar panels on top.Yesterday I ran 2.23mi(1) in memory of #AhmaudArbery, who would have turned 26. He was shot on 2/23 for jogging while black. The video is horrifying. #BlackLivesMatter because how is this still happening in 2020. #IRunWithMaud

    This weekend #RunWithMaud in solidarity. If you’re in SF, you can start at Haight & Ashbury, run up Ashbury until it merges with Clayton, turn up Twin Peaks Boulevard, and turn around a bit after the first major turn, before the hairpin turn(2,3), running back down to Haight & Ashbury to complete 2.23 miles.

    More: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Ahmaud_Arbery
