

  1. Intersection of Frederick and Ashbury streets at night, looking westward, everything is dark except for streetlamps, lights outside a boarded up Ashbury Market, and a second floor corner apartment on the other side, above a lit bus stop for the number 6 outbound bus.Intersection of Frederick and Downey streets at night, looking eastward, everything is dark except the aforemention things at Frederick and Ashbury, the trees of Buena Vista Park are very dark, outlined by the gray sky above them.🌃🌳 March 28th, SF distancing day twelve. Spent the day inside (except to move my car) until leaving 10 minutes to midnight for a night run.

    Started tracking at Frederick & Ashbury, an empty intersection, lights out except the corner 2nd floor apartment(1). Empty to the East as well, up to the dark trees of Buena Vista Park, outlined by a gray sky above(2). Continued onward to spell NO FEAR on the streets (https://tantek.com/t55q1).

    #run #runner #AshburyHeights #FrederickStreet #night #nightrun #midnight #darkness #empty #ShelterInPlace #COVID19 #CoronaVirus #SFdistancing #SF #SanFrancisco #optOutside #fromWhereIRun #NeverStopExploring #InstaRunner #2020_088 #20200328 #laterGram #noFilter

  2. Yesterday @moral_imagining, @solarpunk_girl asked us to tell a story of this time, from the future. I wrote this (edited)

    There was so much fear
    As we started sheltering
    we felt safer and yet more lonely
    Venturing outside, it was so quiet
    Fewer cars, fewer machines making noises
    Even in the city, we heard nature’s sounds
    from the crows to the parrots
    We closed streets to cars,
    welcoming runners, hikers, bicyclists
    Without cars, without their noise & pollution,
    more animals wandered near us.
    Coyotes, birds, rabbits, squirrels
    Even red tailed hawks swooped near the ground,
    showing off the bright tops of their tailfeathers
    Strangers started to greet strangers,
    as they passed each other at a distance,
    Maybe a smile, a nod, a wave, a hello,
    perhaps a brief exchange of greetings,
    well wishes, introductions to pets
    Slowly, our sense of fear
    transformed into a sense of solidarity

  3. ▶ watched President @BarackObama’s Message to the #ClassOf2020

     1. Don’t be afraid
     2. Do what you think is right
     3. Build the communty

     Leave behind old ways of thinking that divide us.

