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    registered to run #BayToBreakers 2022-05-15! Join me in corral A! https://baytobreakers.com/ @baytobreakers said $39.99, and again registration added $5.95 for “Handling”, for what? Why separate? Why not charge $46? Previously: https://tantek.com/2019/304/t1/registered-run-baytobreakers-2020

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  3. using BBEdit in reply to: s-p issue 154

    Locking this conversation. We asked folks a week ago (https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/issues/154#issuecomment-948985820) to keep it on topic and subsequent comments for the most part have not, nor have they added any new technical information (advocacy, "implications", "consequences", SDO processes, and market dynamics are not; there are other venues for those things, and if you’re not sure where, start with your own blog).

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    💉 J&J boosted. Previously, previously, previously: https://tantek.com/2021/105/t1/fully-vaccinated https://tantek.com/2021/093/t1/days-til-fully-vaccinated https://tantek.com/2021/092/t1/jnj-vaccinated #JNJ #COVID19 #vaccinated #GetVaccinated to protect those who can’t (<12yo, or yet like 5-11yo), and continue to #WearAMask

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    Led two #w3cTPAC breakout sessions this week: * Environmental Concerns and #Sustainability (#s12y) of Web Technologies[1] * What is the value of and are the values of @W3C[2] and helped @seaotta with * What is the WebWeWant.fyi[3] Notes: [1] https://www.w3.org/2021/10/19-sustainability-minutes.html [2] https://www.w3.org/2021/10/22-what-values-minutes.html [3] https://www.w3.org/2021/10/19-webwewant-minutes.html Also participated in Accessibility & CSS (https://www.w3.org/2021/10/20-cssa11y-minutes.html). Preparing for, speaking, facilitating, and participating in virtual TPAC sessions a second year in a row was very draining. Despite that, I thought the sessions went fairly well overall. Most passionate and contentious was the session on sustainability, especially regarding what we should (or should not) do @W3C. There was a lot more alignment on the seriousness and urgency to act than I expected, and I was pleased to see that. There was a lot of support for figuring out how to establish Sustainability as an aspect of Horizontal Review of all technical specifications, as important as Accessibility (a11y), Internationaliation (i18n), Security, and Privacy. This would likely require an explicit Interest Group, with a charter, discussed and voted on by the W3C’s Advisory Committe (AC). Our shared sense of urgency made it clear we needed to start something sooner rather than later. A Community Group (CG) makes the most sense in the short term, chartered to work on both immediate horizontal review and the establishement of a more official Interest Group. I created a #sustainability channel on the W3C’s Community Slack instance for informal discussions to get a Community Group started. Join us: https://www.w3.org/wiki/Slack

  6. using BBEdit in reply to: s-p issue 154

    Reminder on comments on standards-position issues: Please keep it on topic, and respectful, per https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#discussing-mozillas-position-on-a-web-specification Thanks, Tantek

  7. using BBEdit in reply to: bridgy issue 1077

    Most important here is Bridgy backfeed support for existing discussion posts on GitHub, similar to the backfeed support for responses to GitHub issues. Bridgy Publish of a "discussion" post would be great too, should that be a separate issue / feature request?

  8. using BBEdit in reply to: bridgy issue 1077


  9. using BBEdit in reply to: Bridgy Issues

    Feature request: Bridgy backfeed reacjis on POSSEd comments

    In Bridgy backfeed documentation it says "Bridgy detects and sends webmentions for … GitHub comments and emoji reactions on your issues and pull requests" which would seem to imply that Bridgy does not yet send webmentions for emoji reactions (reacjis) on POSSEd comments on GitHub issues and pull requests, e.g. the reacjis on this comment POSSEd by Bridgy.

    According to GitHub API docs: List reactions for an issue comment it looks like this information is available in the GitHub API. It would be great if Bridgy could add support for backfeeding reacjis on POSSEd comments! Thanks for your consideration.

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  11. using BBEdit in reply to: IndieWeb Create day

    attending @IndieWebCamp Create Day (today!) and working on my personal #openweb site. This week’s @W3C #Instagram & #Facebook #outages were a good reminder to cook what we want, and eat what we cook. #IndieWeb RSVP & Zoom: https://events.indieweb.org/2021/10/indieweb-create-day-ZKw5v2nFDu6f

  12. using BBEdit in reply to: w3c strategy issue 282

    Mozilla also prefers the W3C Software and Document license for working group charters, and we have been consistently requesting this license whenever charters are updated.

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  16. using BBEdit in reply to: w3ctag issue 25 comment


  17. using BBEdit in reply to: w3ctag issue 25 comment


  18. using BBEdit in reply to: WICG WebID issue 41 comment


  19. using BBEdit in reply to: TAG EWP issue 25

    tl;dr: prefer using phrase “manipulative design” instead of “harmful patterns” as a replacement for “dark patterns”. Also adding thanks to https://GitHub.com/LeaVerou, and agreed with the reasoning in https://www.ccianet.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/2021-05-28-CCIA-Comments-on-FTC-Dark-Patterns-Workshop.pdf (since this issue was filed!) particularly from an inclusiveness perspective, “[avoiding] connection of “dark-light dualism” to judgments about morality”. And as https://GitHub.com/harrybr is quoted: “during the Workshop by Professor Harry Brignull, while the term “dark pattern” (originated and popularized in part by Brignull) has been useful for marketing and raising awareness, it would be both “vague and sloppy” if used as a legal term or standard.” That being said, “harmful patterns” is vague and dilutes the intent of this issue. It’s also not strictly accurate from the perspective of a company implementing such patterns, from their (typically attention/growth/profit-maximizing) perspective, such patterns are helpful to them personally, their shareholders/investors if any, and not harmful. Such patterns are also too easy for such companies to hide behind a vague "intent" of supposedly "helping" people connect (quiet importing of contacts, suggesting joining radicalizing groups), or "helping" people get products they want/"need" (deceptive marketing, creating fear/insecurity in people’s minds then selling them a product to cope), etc. More precise (and preserving of intent, meaning, and literal effect) would be the phrase “manipulative design”, also used & recommended by that ccianet workshop (same link): “Rather than employ the terminology of “dark patterns,” these comments will refer to “manipulative design” practices or interfaces”.

  20. using BBEdit

    After @Facebook & @Instagram outages and today's @W3C #outage https://status.w3.org/incidents/lfwjx05yvldr, I’m wondering if there is a secret movement to get people to stop depending on any corp/org sites to get things done. #W3Cdown #redecentralize 🤔 (#indieweb is open, not secret)

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  22. using BBEdit in reply to: stop

    @stop same friend, same. Maybe we could even do an easy run/walk/chat sometime (saw "Wanna-be runner" in your bio, and tbh often still feel that myself)

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  25. using BBEdit aaronpk’s note and tweet copy
  26. using BBEdit aaronpk’s note and tweet copy
  27. using BBEdit in reply to: stop

    @stop I went to my own site to point it out ;) which is also what @aaronpk did. What you’re seeing on Twitter is merely a syndicated copy, for those who use Twitter as their reader, AKA POSSE: https://indieweb.org/POSSE This reply is also from my site.

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    you know what's *not* down right now? my personal site & blog ⬇ https://tantek.com/ #indieweb (copied from @aaronpk https://aaronparecki.com/2021/10/04/9/my-blog https://twitter.com/aaronpk/status/1445072111098220551)

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    10 years as a Mozilla employee.

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  36. using BBEdit in reply to: Open UI issue 404 comment

    The https://drafts.csswg.org/css-scrollbars-1/#scrollbar-width definition for the 'thin' value already explicitly asks for the requested behavior: "remain wide enough to be usable" and cites WCAG accordingly. If folks have suggestions for better / stronger language or citations that we could use, please feel free to file an issue on the Scrollbars Styling draft at https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/labels/css-scrollbars-1 with suggestions! Thanks, Tantek (Scrollbars Styling co-editor)

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    running my second* #marathon @theSFMarathon tomorrow, bib #6453. live runner tracking: https://www.thesfmarathon.com/race-weekend/live-runner-tracking/ Let’s get those hills! #OnYourLeftSF #SFMarathon previously 2017: https://tantek.com/b/4qK1 (https://twitter.com/t/status/907114033920319490) *not counting ultras & training runs

  41. using BBEdit in reply to: h-card issue 2

    This is precisely what the microformats2 "u-" property prefix is for, to instruct the parser to retrieve and parse for URL-like information from an element, from its URL-related attribute if any, and text content as a fallback, including relative URL resolution if applicable. E.g. in the example you gave, try u-tel instead of p-tel: <a class="u-tel" href="tel:13335553483">(333) 555 FIVE</a> If that works as desired, go ahead and close this issue.

  42. using BBEdit

    Hey #future #optimist #creatives, #artists, & #writers: * #Solarpunk Art Contest https://medium.com/@yishan/solarpunk-art-contest-2021-da9474c9722e * Submissions for Solarpunk Anthology https://justinenortonkertson.medium.com/submissions-for-solarpunk-anthology-e4015346c1de cc @solarpunk_girl #indieweb Also #DisneyPlus started streaming #TomorrowLand🔮 today!