
New issue on

GitHub project “tpac2024-breakouts”

W3C Vision — Getting To Statement

on (ttk.me b/5Yz1) using BBEdit

Session Description

The Advisory Board (AB) published the W3C Vision as a Note earlier this year. The Vision Task Force (VisionTF) has processed most issues and a small number of Statement Blockers remain. This breakout session is an open session for working through the remaining Statement Blocker issues.

Session goal

The goal of this session is reach consensus resolutions on the remaining Statement Blocker issues for the W3C Vision, so the Vision Task Force can prepare an updated W3C Vision Note for publication as a proposed Statement for an Advisory Committee vote.

Additional session chairs (Optional)


Who can attend

Restricted to TPAC registrants

IRC Channel (Optional)


Other sessions where we should avoid scheduling conflicts (Optional)

#55, #59, #65, #68, #70, #77, #87, #88, #89, #99, #100

Instructions for meeting planners (Optional)

No response

Agenda for the meeting.
