The sixth year of blogging felt very different than the fifth. Clearly the in-the-moment interfaces of Twitter, Flickr and Brightkite have become an alternative outlet for the desire to capture life's moments and the frequency of my lengthier, more considered pieces has dropped.
In some ways, with these new tools I feel like I'm capturing more, and yet, I can't help the feeling that something has been lost. The bigger, more in depth thoughts keep coming, and I capture and assimilate them into my "blog-this.txt" file which seems to just grow and grow.
I feel like I can blame some this, at least for the past few months, on a conscious decision to face and confront a lot of emotional challenges, some old, some new. As a result, I've collected faster than I can process (in a GTD sense), and I haven't processed my "to-do-inbox.txt" file down to empty in over three months. This past week I did find a night or two to make much more headway into it than I have in a while, and I have a renewed sense of hope that I'll empty it, perhaps by the end of the weekend.
One thing is for sure, I'm juggling a lot of tasks and projects right now, and my monthly (have never quite gotten to weekly) GTD review of my next-actions and projects makes that quite clear to me. In recognition of both the excess (or perhaps excess growth rate) of both my to-do-inbox.txt and my next actions/projects lists, I've been spending more time recently on filtering and prioritizing, respectively. Of course as I figure out better strategies for each, I've been taking notes, where else, but in my "blog-this.txt" file. Hopefully in this seventh year of blogging, I'll have the chance to share more of what I've figured out.