0 : dConstruct Microformats Workshop data portability
1 : Archives questions
2 : More archives questions
3 : Moving your data
4 : Recovering your data
5 : More recovering your data
6 : Why do we care?
7 : Obligatory Web 2.0 themes
8 : Companies & open formats
9 : Open data formats
10 : data portability: definition
11 : social network portability: problem
12 : social network portability: goals
13 : social network portability: how-to
dConstruct Microformats Workshop
data portability
Tantek Çelik and Jeremy Keith
Archives questions
How old are your email archives?
How many times have you moved them?
What format do you keep them in?
What app do you use to browse them?
...to search them?
What about photos?
... or any other kind of data you create?
More archives questions
What are the oldest data archives you have?
What disk formats?
...or what bus/cable/connection format?
E.g. SCSI?
What file formats?
Moving your data
What data do you move when upgrading computers?
What transfers and what doesn't?
What do you leave behind?
Recovering your data
What data do you move when your computer breaks?
Or when one of your web services breaks?
Desktop.com and many others...
What do you lose forever?
More recovering your data
What do you recover when your hard disk crashes?
Ever recovered from
of a file?
What's recoverable and what isn't?
Why do we care?
Archiving, moving, recovering data
Microformats are
trying to solve all these
Why is this important?
Might help with designing open data formats
Obligatory Web 2.0 themes
"You control your own data"
Users should own their own data
Mix & match data & services
data formats & protocols
Users are free to move their data
away from "broken" interfaces/programs/sites
...into new and better ones
Why would any company support that?
Companies & open formats
Why companies are supporting open formats:
Some actually "do the right thing"
More and better tools/source/tests
Easy importing
Network effects
Outgrow the competition
Open data formats
What do open formats enable?
Rapid evolution of user interfaces
from the data
Both web-based and local
Key requirements
Highly interoperable
"web friendly"
data portability: definition
is about you, the user,
being able to move and use
your data - whether you created it or purchased it
across space - different websites, devices, media
across time - archiving at one point in time, retrieving at another
helped drive microformats
social network portability: problem
Why does every social network make you:
re-enter all your personal profile info?
re-add all your friends?
In addition, why do you have to:
re-turn off notifications?
re-specify privacy preferences?
negative people
AKA "social network fatigue problem".
social network portability: goals
New social networks should let you subscribe to:
your profile information
your social network
from any existing profile of yours.
Would be nice if preferences for:
also transferred between profiles.
AKA a "social internetwork", a network of social networks.
social network portability: how-to
Publish microformats in user profiles
implement hCard on user profile pages
XFN rel="me" on hyperlinks to users' blogs/home pages
hCard+XFN friends lists
XFN rel="me" to link to separate friends list pages
XFN rel="me next", rel="me prev" for friends pagination links
Subscribe to microformats for user profiles
when signing up a new user, let the user:
subscribe to their existing hcard-supporting-profiles
subscribe to their existing hCard+XFN supporting friends lists