Tantek Çelik
HTML5 basics
- new DOCTYPE:
<!DOCTYPE html>
- short enough to type
- SGML heritage dumped
HTML4 elements/attributes dropped/obsoleted
- Goal: simplification
- Redundant or broken elements removed
- acronym - use abbr instead
- applet - use object instead
- dir - use ul instead
- frame, frameset, noframes - redesign instead
HTML4 elements/attributes dropped/obsoleted
- Goal: simplification
- Obsolete/presentational elements/attributes removed
- plaintext, isindex
- basefont, big, center, font, s, strike, tt, u
- align, alink, vlink, etc.
- HTML5 explicitly requires more CSS
- Similar to HTML4/XHTML1 strict
A few attributes to assist transition
- Goal: enable faster transition
- border on img must be 0 if present
- language on script must be "JavaScript"
- name on a and img dropped - use id instead
Problem attributes dropped
- some problematic, others controversial
- rev - oft misunderstood/misused
- longdesc - often harms accessibility
- profile - nascent microformats/RDFa use
- useless/unused invisible metadata
- version on html
- scheme on meta
HTML4 elements changed - update usage
- simplifications!
<meta charset="UTF-8">
- was:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
- minor improvements/tweaks
- new sizes attribute on <link> - use with rel="icon"
- strong now represents importance rather than emphasis
HTML4 elements changed - restrictions
HTML5 changes - greater consistency
more flexible, e.g. link headings
- media attribute added to
a, area
like link
- e.g.
<a href="http://m.twitter.com/" rel="alternate" media="handheld"> visit mobile site </a>
- hreflang and rel added to
like a
- potential for use of rel for microformats
- class, dir, id, lang, style, tabindex, title apply to all elements.
HTML4 black sheep acknowledged
- features that "worked" cross-browser
- but not in spec or were mistakenly deprecated
for plugins
- target attribute on
<base>, <a>, <area>
- list numbering
attribute on <li>
attribute on <ol>
- related: new
attribute on <ol>
HTML5/HTML4 differences, new validator
HTML5 basics
- Exercises: DOCTYPE and conversion
New HTML5 semantics
- From presentational to vague semantics
stylistically offset span of text
taxonomic designation, a technical term
small print (side comments, legal)
paragraph level thematic break
New HTML5 semantics
(now scopes <address>
and headings)
<time datetime>
New HTML5 semantics
- From XHTML heritage (1.1, 2)
<ruby>, <rt> and <rp>
- No, rt is not for marking up Twitter retweets
- for Japanese, Hiragana expansions of Kanji
New HTML5 semantics
- Exercise 3: update a blog post with HTML5
New HTML5 semantics
- more new semantics
- multilevel headings
+ <dd>
: captions on images
New HTML5 semantics
- Exercise 4: movie poster with better semantics
Native media
- vector graphics
- drawing with scripts
- like img for sound
- use src
Native media challenges
- SVG in HTML not well implemented
- canvas requires good design for fallback
- audio and video format differences
Native media
- Solution to format differences
- with src attribute
- Browser uses first it can handle
- Then remaining contents if necessary
Native media
- Exercises 5 and 6: audio and video
More Cutting Edge features
- for indicating task progress
- displaying a range
More Cutting Edge features
- Exercises 7 and 8: progress and meter
Bleeding edge features
- tons of new form input types
- microdata
- web storage
HTML5 resources
HTML5 resources