1. HTML5 + CSS3

    Falsy Values workshop

    Tantek Çelik, Mozilla Web Standards tantek.com@t

  2. HTML5+CSS3 Falsy Values Workshop

  3. 2011: What's New?

  4. W3C HTML5 logo

    W3C HTML5 logo
  5. W3C HTML5 badges

    HTML5 Powered with Connectivity / Realtime, CSS3 / Styling, Device Access, Graphics, 3D & Effects, Multimedia, Performance & Integration, Semantics, and Offline & Storage
  6. 2011 March

  7. IE9

  8. Firefox 4

    Firefox 4
  9. NYT - HTML5

    New York Times

    HTML5 Is Breathing New Life Into the Web

    NYT - HTML5
  10. Firefox 4 Mobile

    Firefox 4 for Mobile


    for Android and Nokia

  11. Now

  12. glow.mozilla.org

  13. Let's Get Started!

  14. Introductions

  15. HTML5 we're covering today

  16. Workshop Conventions

  17. HTML5 Basics

  18. HTML5 Basics: Adoption Strategy

  19. HTML5 Basics: DOCTYPE

  20. HTML5 Basics: meta charset

  21. HTML5 Basics: First HTML5 Document

  22. Exercises 1-2: HTML5 Basics

  23. Exercise 3: New HTML5 Document

  24. Upgrading from HTML4/XHTML

  25. Upgrading from HTML4/XHTML

  26. Upgrade: Remove Presentation

  27. Upgrade: Remove Failed Features

  28. Upgrade: Remove Failed Features

  29. Upgrade: Maintain Compatibility

  30. Upgrade: XHTML Compatibility

  31. Exercise 4: XHTML compatibility

  32. Upgrade: Replace Obsolete Markup

  33. Upgrade: Refinements to HTML4 elements

  34. Upgrade: HTML4 elements now semantic

  35. Upgrade: black sheep acknowledged

  36. Upgrade: list numbering acknowledged

  37. Warning: HTML5 and <cite>

  38. Questionable HTML5 restriction: <cite>

  39. Upgrade: hyperlinks around blocks

  40. Upgrade: global attributes

  41. Upgrade: <a> <area> media

  42. Upgrading from HTML4/XHTML - Summary

  43. Upgrading from HTML4/XHTML - Summary

  44. Upgrading from HTML4/XHTML - Summary

  45. Exercise 5: HTML5 Upgrade Sensible

  46. Upgrade: Validate HTML5

  47. Upgrade: Validate HTML5

  48. HTML5 semantics

  49. HTML5 semantics

  50. Practical HTML5 semantics: article

  51. More semantics: figure, hgroup, time

  52. Readability

  53. Readability Article Publishing Guidelines

    Readability guidelines
  54. Exercises 6-7: post and poster

  55. HTML5 semantics: bulletproofing

  56. HTML5 semantics: bulletproofing

  57. HTML5 semantics: Ruby

  58. HTML5 semantics: Ruby Example

  59. HTML5 semantics: Ruby Example

  60. HTML5 semantics: Ruby

  61. New HTML5 semantics summary

  62. Native Multimedia

  63. Multimedia: native vector graphics

  64. HTML5 vector graphics status

  65. Exercise 8: Modify a canvas example

  66. HTML5 multimedia: audio and video

  67. Dependable HTML5: video formats

  68. 2011 March

  69. Vid.ly conversions public beta

    Vid.ly public beta
  70. Dependable HTML5: sources, fallback

  71. VideoJS player code

    VideoJS player code
  72. HTML5 audio and video summary

  73. Exercises 9-10: audio & video

  74. Geolocation API update

  75. 2010 October - Front Trends

  76. Tweet: Dear IE please implement Geo

    Dear IE please support Geo
  77. 2011 February

  78. IE9 RC: Added Geolocation

    IE9 RC: Added Geolocation
  79. Practical Now: Geolocation API

  80. Roughly Usable HTML5

  81. Roughly Usable: HTML5 History API

  82. New HTML5 forms capabilities

  83. New HTML5 forms capabilities

  84. New HTML5 usable inputs

  85. New HTML5 harmless inputs

  86. New HTML5 awkward inputs

  87. New HTML5 form inputs summary

  88. Exercise 11: new inputs

  89. New HTML5 output and details

  90. New HTML5 meter and progress

  91. Exercises 12-13: progress & meter

  92. New HTML5 user interface attributes

  93. Web APIs and the evolution of HTML5

  94. HTML5 and related Web APIs

  95. Web App Experiments are Drafts

  96. Web SQL Database abandoned

    Web SQL Database abandoned
  97. Mozilla Web of Wonder

  98. HTML5 Open Discussion

  99. Help HTML5 Evolve

  100. HTML5 Conclusion

  101. HTML5 Conclusion

  102. CSS3

  103. CSS3 we're covering today

  104. CSS3 Snapshot and CRs

  105. CSS Snapshot

  106. Other Recent CSS CRs

  107. Judging CSS CR features

  108. CSS Roadmap and Drafts

  109. CSS3 Working Drafts

  110. Case Study: S5 - Upgraded

  111. S5

  112. S5

  113. S5 improvements

  114. S5 improvements

  115. CSS3 Open Discussion

  116. Thank you.

    Tantek Çelik



  117. Colophon