1. Web Actions

    Tantek Çelik, Mozilla Web Standards Lead tantek.com@t #osb12#webactions etherpad.mozilla.org/osb12-webactions

  2. Web Actions

    A New Building Block for the Web

    1. What are they?
    2. Best (and worst) practices
    3. Future of web actions
  3. 1990s building blocks

  4. <a href>

  5. <table> <td>
    <font> <img>

  6. <form action>

  7. Web Actions: What are they?

  8. Web Actions: Demo

  9. Web Action Anatomy

    1. Button (or link) - user-visible
    2. Markup (today: <a href>)
    3. Script (unobtrusive) enhancement
    4. Interstitial confirmation/choices/input URL
    5. Action ("activity"/"intent") URL
  10. Web Action User Flow

    1. Click web action link/button
    2. Authentication (if necessary)
    3. Confirmation (or input, if necessary)
    4. Action Completes
    5. Return to previous page
  11. Web Actions
    Best (worst) practices

  12. Web Action: Worst Practices

  13. Web Action: Best Practices

  14. Web Actions: Future UI

  15. Web Actions: Future APIs

  16. Web Actions: Future Markup

  17. Web Actions Future: Independents?

  18. Thank you.

    Tantek Çelik
