Tantek Çelik



To help you and your company kick-ass with modern web standards.

Summary - Industry Leading Technologist

Employment & Products (as of 2010)

  1. Presently employed at Mozilla and not seeking employment. Rest of resume reflects 2010 and earlier experience.
  2. 2007 - 2010Independent Technologist, San Francisco, CA

    Web Technologies and Services
    Taught Independent Workshops
    Developed curriculum and exercises, marketed, organized, planned, and delivered.
    Organized Professional Conferences and Tracks
    • Supernova 2009 conference: Real Time Flow track chair
    • Supernova 2008 conference: Open Flow track chair
    • Future of Web Apps (FOWA) Miami 2007 co-chair
    Invited Presentations
    Standards Leadership
    Technical Editing
  3. 2004 - 2007Technorati, San Francisco, CA

    2005 - 2007 Chief Technologist.

    Created and drove the launch of new efforts like Technorati's Media Products services and partnerships, the searchlet, Technorati This! favelet, blog/site widgets, and prototype microformats search. Investigated and defined new standards and new technologies companywide, with partners, and throughout the industry.
    Websites, tools, products lead, developed, and launched
    • numerous Media Products with mainstream media partners
    • Browser Search Plugins for Firefox and Internet Explorer
    • Blogger Widgets (Searchlet, authority rank, blog reactions)

    2004 - 2005 Senior Technologist.

    Led adoption and implementation of valid semantic XHTML and CSS across all company sites. A primary contributor to the design, development, and launch of politics.technorati.com "Election Watch 2004" site in 13 days.
    Websites developed and launched
    • Technorati main site (valid XHTML+CSS green redesign, XHTML strict update)
    • Election Watch 2004 (initial valid XHTML+CSS release, XHTML strict update with new Attention Index, Charts features)
  4. 1997 - 2004Microsoft Corporation, Mountain View, CA

    2003 - 2004 Group Lead.

    Group/team/project/product(s): confidential. Directly led/managed 3 people and set direction/priorities for overall technology area. Successfully completed investigation phase, wrote funding and planning proposal for implementation phase, secured funding from upper management, wrote job descriptions and secured office space for new phase.

    1998 - 2004 Diplomat.

    Primary representative to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) working group and HyperText Markup Language (HTML) working group (alternate 1998-2000).
    Specifications Produced / Contributions:

    2000 - 2003 Software Development Lead.

    Tasman presentation engine v1. TV Products Group. Led design and implementation of W3C web standards support (Extensible HyperText Markup Language version 1.0 (XHTML 1.0)&XHTML 1.1, most of CSS-2&2.1, DOM 1.0 & most of 2.0), porting (Win32: CE3-4,NT,2000,XP), and code minimization/modularization. Directly led and managed 2-3 software developers (set goals/objectives, wrote performance reviews), and set direction and priorities for overall team of 8 including software testers.
    Products Shipped / Contribution:

    1998 - 2000 Software Development Lead.

    Tasman rendering engine v0. Internet Explorer for Macintosh (IE/Mac) team. Led design and implementation of compliant standards support, shipping the first browser ever to fully support CSS-1, HTML 4.0, PNG 1.0, DOM 1.0 HTML, ECMAScript-262, parts of CSS-2, and most of DOM 1.0 Core & some DOM 2.0. Led and managed 3-4 people (set goals/objectives, wrote performance reviews) out of a team of 11-12. Primary representative to W3C CSS&FP working group. Alternate representative to W3C HTML working group. Primary representative to W3C XForms working group (1999-2000).
    Products Shipped:

    1997 - 1998 Senior Software Engineer.

    Macintosh Internet Team. Led design and implementation of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) browser support and CSS Object Model (CSSOM) support in Internet Explorer for Macintosh 4. Representative to W3C CSS&FP working group. Helped implement Document Object Model (DOM) support, Dynamic HTML (DHTML) support, and fixed numerous bugs in IE/Mac. Maintained Microsoft Component Library (COM) for 68k and PowerPC.
    Products Shipped:
  5. 1996 - 19976prime corporation, San Jose, CA

    Vice President.

    One of three principals of a Macintosh software product and consulting services company. Responsible for software engineering, consulting, website content authoring and maintenance, training, technical support, marketing, documenting, billing, sales, booth duty, presenting at MacHack conference.
    Major Products Shipped / Contribution:
    • REV autoversioning software / wrote v1.0 difference engine.
    • OpenContent™ (
      1. DR1,
      2. DR2,
      3. DR3
      ) container application SDK / software engineer.
    • Cyberdog DocBuilder (four releases:
      1. 1.0,
      2. 1.1,
      3. 1.2,
      4. 1.3b
      ) first fully functional container component / primary engineer.
    • Development workshops & kitchens (US & Europe)
    • Phone consulting
    • Short-term development projects
  6. 1992 - 1996Apple Computer, Inc., Cupertino, CA

    1993 - 1996 Co-Technical Lead.

    OpenDoc project. Implemented Document Shell subsystem, and led implementation of seven other subsystems and a dozen part editors. Identified and wrote critical code sections. Filed patents (see descriptions below). Technically led a team of more than a dozen engineers and provided technical leadership for human interface, marketing, evangelism, management, and developer support. Resolved cross-subsystem, cross-project and cross-company technical issues. Established and maintained process and guidelines for implementation of OpenDoc functionality. Documented and ensured documentation of design and implementation decisions. Presented at Apple World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) and European Developer's Forum (EDF).
    Products Shipped:
    • OpenDoc component software toolkit (
      1. d2,
      2. A2,
      3. A6,
      4. A6+source,
      5. SOM DR1,
      6. DR2,
      7. DR3,
      8. DR4 1.0 GM

    1992 - 1993 Senior Software Engineer.

    OpenDoc project. Led design and prototyping of the OpenDoc Storage subsystem and contributed to design of seven other subsystems. Contributed to implementation of OpenDoc Storage. Designed and developed turnkey documentation system for efficiently documenting all of the OpenDoc APIs and producing consistently styled and formatted documentation.

    1992 Software Engineer.

    System Storage Manager. One of three engineers who designed and implemented portions of a new system level structured storage manager.
  7. 1990 - 1991Oracle Corporation, Redwood City, CA

    Macintosh Software Engineer

    Designed and implemented portions of ORACLE database client & server software for Macintosh including Server Manager, Pro*C and Pro*Pascal tools. Maintained database kernel archival subsystem. Wrote and performed industry standard TP1 RDBMS benchmark tests on Oracle Server for Macintosh.
    Products Shipped:
    • Oracle Server for Macintosh 1.0
    • Oracle for Macintosh v1.2
  8. 1989 - 1990Apple Computer, Inc., Cupertino, CA

    System Software Engineer. Macintosh System 7.

US Patents


  1. System for binding document parts and handlers by fidelity of parts or by automatic translation of parts

    (Google US5752056) [sole inventor]
  2. Layered storage structure for computer data storage manager

    (Google US5758347)
  3. System for dynamically caching and constructing software resource tables

    (Google US5778383)
  4. Storage manager for computer system

    (Google US5857207)
  5. Method of managing a data structure for concurrent serial and parallel revision of a work

    (Google US5870764)
  6. Graphical user interface providing consistent behavior for the dragging and dropping of content objects

    (Google US6535230) [sole inventor]
  7. Directional focus navigation

    (Google US7134089)
  8. Distributing network applications

    (Google US7257638)
  9. Scaling and delivering distributed applications

    (Google US7519723)
  10. Scaling and delivering distributed applications

    (Google US7546375)
  11. Accessing alternate content

    (Google US7546531) [sole inventor]
  12. Hierarchical bit stream markup compilation and rendering

    (Google US7627814)
  13. Dynamic electronic program guide

    (Google US7631328)
  14. Directional focus navigation

    (Google US7735016)
  15. Directional focus navigation

    (Google US8332769)
  16. Hierarchical bit stream markup compilation and rendering

    (Google US8549397)

Publications & Presentations (as of 2004)

Recommendations and Candidate Recommendations (CRs)

  1. Çelik T. "CSS3 Basic User Interface Module" W3C Technical Reports and Publications <http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/CR-css3-ui-20040511> (2004)
  2. Bos B, Çelik T, Hickson I, Lie H. "Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2 revision 1" W3C Technical Reports and Publications <http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/CR-CSS21-20040225> (2004)
  3. Çelik T, Lilley C. "CSS3 Color Module" W3C Technical Reports and Publications <http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/CR-css3-color-20030514> (2003)
  4. Hayes S, Adams G, Çelik T, Lie H. "CSS TV Profile 1.0" W3C Technical Reports and Publications <http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/CR-css-tv-20030514> (2003)
  5. Pemberton S, Austin D, Axelsson J, Çelik T, Dominiak D, Elenbaas H, Epperson B, Ishikawa M, Matsui S, McCarron S, Navarro A, Pervemba S, Relyea R, Schnitzenbaumer S, Stark P. "XHTML™ 1.0 The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition)" W3C Technical Reports and Publications <http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xhtml1-20020801> (2002)
  6. Lie H, Çelik T, Glazman D. "Media Queries" W3C Technical Reports and Publications <http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/CR-css3-mediaqueries-20020708> (2002)
  7. Glazman D, Çelik T, Hickson I, Linss P, Williams J. "Selectors" W3C Technical Reports and Publications <http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/CR-css3-selectors-20011113> (2001)

Test Suites

  1. Glazman D, Hickson I, Çelik T. "Selectors Test Index" W3C Cascading Style Sheets test suites <http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/CSS3/Selectors/20040302> (2004)
  2. Meyer E, Lie H, Boland T, Baron L, Hickson I, Fahrner T, Bos B, Wilson C, Çelik T. "CSS1 Test Suite" W3C Cascading Style Sheets test suites <http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/CSS1/20030827> (2003)
  3. Çelik T, Hickson I. "CSS Test Suite Documentation" W3C Cascading Style Sheets test suites <http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/testsuitedocumentation-20030129.html> (2003)
  4. Bobroskie A, Çelik T. "HTML4 test suite documentation" W3C HTML/XHTML Test Suites <http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Test/HTML401/20030123/htmltestdocumentation.html> (2003)
  5. Bobroskie A, Bristol J, Ye X, Tseng K, Hickenbottom M, Ishizaka S, Colgan Y, Chen Y, Çelik T, Hayes S, Gavrylyuk K. "DRAFT - HTML4 Test Suite" W3C HTML/XHTML Test Suites <http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Test/HTML401/20030123/tests> (2003)
  6. Çelik T. "CSS Test Suite Documentation" (first version) W3C Cascading Style Sheets test suites <http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/testsuitedocumentation-20020429.html> (2002)
  7. Roy T, Meyer E, Çelik T, Baron L. "CSS Mobile Profile Test Suite" W3C Cascading Style Sheets test suites <http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/Mobile/1.0/20011022> (2001)

Working Drafts

  1. Çelik T, Bos B, Glazman D. "CSS3 Hyperlink Presentation Module" W3C Technical Reports and Publications <http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-css3-hyperlinks-20040224/> (2004)
  2. Hickson I, Çelik T. "CSS3 module: Lists" W3C Technical Reports and Publications <http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-css3-lists-20021107> (2002)
  3. Suignard M, Lilley M, Çelik T, Sawicki M, Zilles S. "CSS3 module: Fonts" W3C Technical Reports and Publications <http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-css3-fonts-20020802> (2002)
  4. Çelik T, Bos B, Attinasi M. "Syntax of CSS rules in HTML's 'style' attribute" W3C Technical Reports and Publications <http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-css-style-attr-20020515> (2002)


  1. Çelik T, Curbow D. "Working With OpenDoc Part Kinds" develop Issue 27:37-52 (1996)
  2. Çelik T, Curbow D. "Rethinking the Interface: Getting the look and feel of a container application" MacTech 12(5):71-78 (1996)

Tech-edited Books

  1. "Microformats Made Simple", New Riders Press, (October 2009)
  2. "Cascading Style Sheets Pocket Reference, 2nd ed.", O'Reilly Media, (July 2004)
  3. "Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide, 2nd ed.", O'Reilly Media, (March 2004)

Professional Conferences Tracks

  1. Supernova 2009 Conference: Real Time Flow track chair
  2. Supernova 2008 Conference: Open Flow track chair
  3. Future of Web Apps (FOWA) Miami 2007: conference co-chair

Community Conferences

  1. 2007 BarCampBlock - organizer
  2. 2006 BarCamp San Francisco - organizer
  3. 2005 BarCamp - founder, organizer

Invited Presentations

Invited and scheduled presentations at professional conferences
  1. 2005 to present: many more. Below are 2004 and earlier presentations
  2. Marks K, Çelik T. " Semantic XHTML: Can your website be your API? - Using semantic XHTML to show what you mean", SD Forum Web Services SIG, eBay's Silicon Valley Conference Center 2161 North First Street San Jose, CA 95131 (28 September 2004)
  3. Çelik T. "CSS: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly", as moderator of "CSS: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" panel (Çelik T, Meyer E, Bowman D, Alvey B, Blessing K), South by Southwest (SXSW) 2004, Austin Convention Center Room 18AB, Austin TX (15 March 2004)
  4. Çelik T. "Ridiculously Easy Social Software", as panelist on "Ridiculously Easy Group Forming" panel (Çelik T, Ito J, Kaminski P, Ruby S, Weinroth A.), SXSW 2004, Austin Convention Center Room 17B, Austin TX (15 March 2004)
  5. Çelik T. "CSS test suites: lessons learned", W3C Technical Plenary Day: Making Test Suites Work for Working Groups, Royal Hotel Casino, Cannes-Mandelieu, France (3 March 2004)
  6. Çelik T, Marks K. "real world semantics" — five-minute lightning talk, ConCon, Rx Gallery, San Francisco CA (16 February 2004)
  7. Çelik T, Marks K. "real world semantics", O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference (ETech) 2004 Westin Horton Plaza, San Diego, CA (11 February 2004)
  8. Çelik T. "CSS: Between the Style Sheets", Between the (Style) Sheets: CSS, Browsers, and You panel (Çelik T, Meyer E, Zeldman J.), SXSW 2003, Austin Convention Center Room 18AB, Austin TX (10 March 2003)
  9. Çelik T, Ranganathan A, Bowman D. "Web Standards and the Future of the Web" (references from Tantek's presentation) Meet The Makers, Grand Hyatt San Francisco, San Francisco CA (21 October 2002)
  10. Çelik T. "Intro to Cascading Style Sheets" BayCHI Web Interface BOF, 100 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA (6 January 1998)
  11. Çelik T. "Real World OpenDoc" MacHack, Fairlane-Dearborn Conference Center, Holiday Inn, Dearborn MI (13 June 1996)
  12. Çelik T, Soldan E. "OpenDoc presentation" Apple European Developer's Forum (EDF), Sweden (1995)
  13. Alfke J, Çelik T. "OpenDoc Container Applications" Apple World Wide Developer's Conference (WWDC), San Jose CA (May 1995)

Community Presentations

Voluntary presentations contributed to community conferences
  1. 2006 to present ... many more ...
  2. 2006 BarCamp Stanford
  3. 2005 ... many more ...
  4. Çelik T. " Model+View+Controller = XHTML+CSS+JS", led discussion, O'Reilly Media Foo Camp 2004, O'Reilly Campus, Wallcreeper room, Sebastopol CA (12 September 2004)
  5. Çelik T, Marks K. "Attention.XML", O'Reilly Media Foo Camp 2004, O'Reilly Campus, Appaloosa room, Sebastopol CA (11 September 2004)
  6. Çelik T, Marks K. "Simple Semantic Formats", O'Reilly Media Foo Camp 2004, O'Reilly Campus, Camel room, Sebastopol CA (10 September 2004)

Education & Training (as of 2004)

  1. 2001Edward Tufte

  2. 1999 - 2001Microsoft Corporation

    • Introduction to Management,
    • Situational Leadership,
    • C# programming
  3. 1989Apple Computer, Inc.

    • Human Interface Design
  4. 1987 - 1991Stanford University

    1. BSCS 1990,
    2. MSCS 1991 specialty in Software Theory

Awards (as of 2010)

  1. 2009 Touchstone Bouldering Series 2009 (TBS5) 15th place in Men's Intermediate level.
  2. 2008-2009 Touchstone Bouldering Series 2008-2009 (TBS4) 8th place in Men's Beginner level.
  3. 2006 Yahoo Hack Day 2006: 2nd place MAIL Hack for "Flickr Photo Postcard" (co-author).
  4. 2006 SXSW interactive conference Web Awards: Best Technical Achievement and Best of Show for Technorati.com.
  5. 2004 SXSW interactive conference, Top rated moderator (4.70 out of possible 5.0).
  6. 2003 SXSW interactive conference, Top ten panel: "CSS: Between the Style Sheets" (4.60 out of possible 5.0).
  7. 2001 Macworld 2000 Eddy for IE5/Mac browser
  8. 1997 TidBits 1997 Macworld-SF Best of Show for Rev 1.0 utility.
  9. 1989 ACM Programming Contest Pacific Northwest Regionals 2nd place team.
  10. 1988 ACM Programming Contest Pacific Northwest Regionals 3rd place team.

Recent Computer Experience

Other Interests

Member of