
Micropub¹ is a @W3C Candidate Recommendation!
(replaces AtomPub² & MetaWeblog³)
Congrats editor @aaronpk, and @socialwg!

¹ https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/CR-micropub-20160816/
² https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5023
³ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MetaWeblog

Great work @aaronpk with brainstorming publicly, selfdogfooding, incubating in indieweb.org, proposing @W3C Social Web Working Group, and patiently working through issues raised, iteratively improving the draft accordingly, all the while helping grow the number of deployed and live interoperable implementations!

on (ttk.me t4iw1) using BBEdit