

  1. making plans for Portland and Poland.

    2010-183 21:43 using BBEdit.
  2. the calm after the storm.

    2010-183 00:19 using BBEdit.
  3. slides from tonight's @cascadesf #HTML5 S5 etc talk @boltpeters http://tantek.com/presentations/2010/07/cascadesf

    2010-182 23:59 using BBEdit.
  4. go: #HTML5 #CSS3 #microformats @cascadesf talk @boltpeters http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/6545828 afterparty Bloodhound

    2010-182 18:58 using BBEdit.
  5. IBM using Firefox http://j.mp/bChWJm via @chrisblizzard. Woman asks for lost cat poster http://post.ly/lMUs via @vl. longurls: IBM moves to Firefox as default browser: http://www.sutor.com/c/2010/07/ibm-moving-to-firefox-as-default-browser/ and Missing Missy http://patrickbyers.posterous.com/missing-missy-brilliant-and-well-worth-the-re

    2010-182 15:56 using BBEdit.
  6. thx Hands-On #HTML5 attendees for a great workshop! relaxing at Palomar 5th fl lounge w #vtm_wd #hohtml5 folks. join us!

    2010-181 18:12 using BBEdit.
  7. #VTM_WD @skrug said he hasn't had the time to upgrade sensible.com in 10 years. #HTML5 upgrade exercise? #hohtml5

    2010-180 21:27 using BBEdit.
  8. Wonderful @VTM_WD 2010. Excited for tomorrow's sold-out Hands-On HTML5 #hohtml5 workshop and Thu @CascadeSF talk!

    2010-180 20:50 using BBEdit.
  9. sending from "do-not-reply@" or "noreply@" seems like UX/CommMgmt fail. Why not use support@? http://j.mp/norply longurl: http://trevorfitzgerald.com/why-do-companies-use-noreply-email-addresses/ #brizzly #foursquare #github #google #gowalla #identica #oreilly #pbworks #yahoo

    2010-180 19:39 using BBEdit.
  10. into science+hacking? read @adactio's inspiring Making Science Hack Day http://adactio.com/journal/1674/ and DIY!

    2010-180 11:57 using BBEdit.
  11. Thanks @karyn @peachpit for the final push: @HTML5Now went to press today! burning DVDs, printing booklets #html5

    2010-179 18:32 using BBEdit.
  12. how @emilylewis sold her boss: will take me 3min to add 5 classes to contact page + a download vCard link. #microformats

    2010-179 18:23 using BBEdit.
  13. .@emilylewis answers q re @microformats,XML,SemWeb. @microformats are 1 piece of the puzzle, the easiest piece :)

    2010-179 15:48 using BBEdit.
  14. enjoying @emilylewis hold forth on Practical Microformats @VTM_WD! Get her book: http://ttk.me/i/a/~2Uv1H #vtm_wd

    2010-179 15:25 using BBEdit.
  15. just finished my talk on #HTML5 @VTM_WD! slides posted: http://tantek.com/presentations/2010/06/html5-vtm/ #vtmwd

    2010-179 11:35 using BBEdit.
  16. watched a soccer game today. outdoors. in the sun. on grass. with friends in the game. no vuvuzelas. pardon the laptop.

    2010-178 22:58 using BBEdit.
  17. kudos US Dept of State for expedited passport under 2 weeks, thx for returning my old passport, stamps+memories.

    2010-178 11:35 using BBEdit.
  18. finished with final (I hope!) editing, reviewing, hyperlinking @HTML5Now DVD/booklet/PDFs. now to the next thing!

    2010-177 19:19 using BBEdit.
  19. strongly objecting to reintroducing badly broken "longdesc" attr. you should too. add to: http://j.mp/noLD #HTML5 longurl: http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Change_Proposal_for_not_including_longdesc

    2010-177 17:29 using BBEdit.
  20. iPhone UI in CSS3 no images http://j.mp/icss3 via @jmspool. Who will upgrade it to accessible semantic HTML5? longurl: http://demos.jeffbatterton.com/iphone-css3/

    2010-177 15:26 using BBEdit.
  21. more friends than usual at #foocamp this year. enjoying vicariously reading your tweets while working in SF. keep it up!

    2010-177 14:58 using BBEdit.
  22. 2nd round of @HTML5Now booklet edits to squeeze it into 48 print pages. extended PDF version will be 90+. time to climb.

    2010-177 10:30 using BBEdit.
  23. great @freerobby post + Kathy Sierra comment http://j.mp/cVkV2o debunk @umairh's "clever snark". @umairh: if you think it's "unbalanced", and you have so many good blog posts, then cite your posts in your tweets instead of thin tweeting and ad hominem attacking in blog comments.

    2010-176 11:02 using BBEdit.
  24. congrats @arielwaldman @drkiki @jessykate @nataliaenvy #opensci made top 40 @sxsw! http://2010.sxsw.com/node/5049

    2010-175 19:09 using BBEdit.
  25. 2 touching tales of love: online http://wp.me/p2aUE-qt and IRL barista glowing about marrying her partner @ Big Sur. longurl for the online story: http://iamshane.com/2010/04/11/the-story-of-stacey-and-shane-as-told-by-stacey-and-shane/

    2010-175 18:53 using BBEdit.
  26. done with all @HTML5Now video+booklet content! waiting to review final edits; excited about the #HTML5 Now digital book.

    2010-175 12:54 using BBEdit.
  27. finished @HTML5Now booklet chapters 13-14. 2 short chapters left, and 1 long day to write them. #html5 #solstice

    2010-172 9:52 using BBEdit.
  28. woke up at 1am, realized I finished @HTML5Now chapter 12. I'm thankful for @Karyn, Mary, and @BenWard for tech editing.

    2010-171 1:31 using BBEdit.
  29. finished writing chapters 8-11 of the @HTML5Now booklet. just 5 chapters left!

    2010-170 20:09 using BBEdit.
  30. @ConradJohnson thanks very much for your support! Really happy with how the video turned out. Booklet will be done soon.

    2010-166 23:45 using BBEdit.
  31. finished reviewing @html5now video rough cut and submitting final edits/fixes/screenshots. back to writing the booklet.

    2010-166 19:25 using BBEdit.
  32. related: I haven't travelled internationally since 2008 @dConstruct and my passport expired April over a year ago. Oops.

    2010-165 20:09 using BBEdit.
  33. renew a passport by mail with digital camera, photo inkjet, glossy photo paper, stapler, tyvek envelope, check. url: http://travel.state.gov/passport/ follow the steps to fill out the renewal form online which downloads a PDF that you print and sign. don't forget your old passport too.

    2010-165 18:12 using BBEdit.
  34. harvest http://tantek.com/images/portzero1stharvest.jpg , remnants: TransLink card, sunglasses, MOT droid, Negra Modelos

    2010-165 1:39 using BBEdit.
  35. delightful first backyard harvest dinner with @arielwaldman @benward @lauraglu @leyink @stubbornella @verbiee + Germans.

    2010-165 1:35 using BBEdit.
  36. reviewing @html5now video release candidate and deleting 1000s of old photos from my camera #multitasking #emodissonance

    2010-164 16:00 using BBEdit.
  37. did I really need to write a one-page local #HTML5 web-app for invoices? #procrastination. back to @html5now soon

    2010-163 19:01 using BBEdit.
  38. "What made the idea world-changing was its escape from O'Reilly Media" http://j.mp/fbcmp props @sarawinge Foo + @BarCamp

    2010-163 15:57 using BBEdit.
  39. installed Snow Leopard, 10.6.3 update, XCode 3.2.2+iPhone SDK, MacPorts 1.9.0, Rosetta, cvs and subversion. #w3c #editor

    2010-162 18:17 using BBEdit.
  40. I like slurping up that last bit of a drink in my glass, part of enjoying life to its fullest. Same with noodles.

    2010-162 17:24 using BBEdit.
  41. just finished ch. 7 of @HTML5Now and it validated as #HTML5 on the first try. Booyah! Now for a costume change...

    2010-160 11:58 using BBEdit.
  42. subscribing to [email protected] and [email protected] lists, autofiling as #HTML5 with [email protected].

    2010-155 14:48 using BBEdit.
  43. overheard at dinner last night: "I have not tweeted in over a month and it feels great!"

    2010-154 8:28 using BBEdit.
  44. "HyperCard was huge in its day because it was accessible to anybody" -Steve Jobs http://j.mp/hugehc @ 2:40s longurl: http://video.allthingsd.com/video/d8-apple-ceo-steve-jobs-talks-about-flash/E2C4DAF1-23F8-402E-A0DB-4F87D73A49FB

    2010-154 8:10 using BBEdit.
  45. read or edit #CSS #HTML specs? see @davidbaron post "Hidden complexity in specifications" http://j.mp/dbcpxs longurl http://dbaron.org/log/20100531-specs - I concur with David's analysis and conclusions, and recall many painful margin collapsing discussions in years of W3C CSS meetings.

    2010-153 0:21 using BBEdit.
  46. NewBase60 now implemented in JS+PHP CASSIS, Python, Java, POSIX, Perl, Ruby open source: http://j.mp/nb60s - wondering, is that sufficient rough consensus and running code for a NewBase60 IETF RFC? longurl http://tantek.pbworks.com/NewBase60#AdditionalImplementations

    2010-152 23:47 using BBEdit.
  47. in HyperCard 2010 session @osbridge. My question: what do we need in #Firefox to enable ease-of-HyperCard-like Web Apps?

    2010-152 13:48 using BBEdit.
  48. OH @osbridge: "I will not open PDFs from the internet" #malware. Use Firefox gPDF add-on http://j.mp/ffpdf longurl: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/14814/ - scans webpages for PDF links and sets them to open with the Google online PDF viewer instead of your local machine.

    2010-152 13:37 using BBEdit.
  49. thanks @theinfonaut for a wonderful yoga class outdoors in South Park. now packing; PDX friends, see you soon @osbridge.

    2010-151 19:37 using BBEdit.
  50. demoed Tweet Style Sheet (TSS) annotations / rich tweets w @rohitkhare, scared Paul Graham a little :) #tanhf demonstration at http://knx.to/rtf. TSS decompressor/cascader library: http://knx.to/tss.js - written in CASSIS naturally.

    2010-150 17:09 using BBEdit.
  51. with @rohitkhare invented a way to compress CSS style declarations: ~10bytes/p:v for tweet stylesheet annotations #tanhf

    2010-149 23:48 using BBEdit.
  52. taught nephew #2 to play chess with nephew #1. happy for these moments. weekend: @html5now writing. next week: #OSB PDX

    2010-148 22:02 using BBEdit.
  53. we need vendor prefixes for pre-CR DOM APIs like CSS properties. enable more standards implementation iteration. #HTML5

    2010-148 21:46 using BBEdit.
  54. wow. thanks everyone. Mozilla folks are awesome. am honored+humbled. in SF? dinner 830p Citrus Club, drinks 10p Alembic!

    2010-146 19:45 using BBEdit.
  55. enjoying using a public wiki page to track my contracting with Mozilla projects/events: http://j.mp/mwkt longurl: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Tantek-Mozilla-projects

    2010-146 17:36 using BBEdit.
  56. really excited to work with Mozilla on advancing web standards http://j.mp/tmoz and http://j.mp/ttkmoz longurls: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13577_3-20005987-36.html and http://arunranga.com/blog/2010/05/tantek-celik-working-with-mozilla/

    2010-146 6:45 using BBEdit.
  57. Why/how do I have my own algorithmic permashortlinks? @steveivy #DiSo 2 interview: http://j.mp/diso2t #ownyourdata longurl: http://www.monkinetic.com/2010/05/26/tantek-celik-diso-20-brass-tacks

    2010-145 19:26 using BBEdit.
  58. presentational markup still makes me angry. but Coffee Bar is playing the Helvetica soundtrack. so calming #html5now http://tantek.com/asin/B000AA4IPI has most of it; see also: http://last.fm/listen/globaltags/Helvetica+Soundtrack

    2010-144 19:07 using BBEdit.
  59. laughing at all the "wasted hours of my life" #LOST tweets. glad I filtered that one out early. #lostenfreude

    2010-144 16:46 using BBEdit.
  60. pure class: "I dont buy diamonds because I dont know where they came from" -@ladygaga http://vb.ly/29ib via @violetblue. longurl: http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/music/article7129672.ece

    2010-143 20:03 using BBEdit.
  61. finished a draft of first 4 of 16 chapters for the @html5now booklet. challenging but coming along nicely. #html5

    2010-143 19:57 using BBEdit.
  62. thanks @thunder for the invite, @rohitkhare for the talk+ride, @ifindkarma for insights, @chrismessina for the return.

    2010-141 20:45 using BBEdit.
  63. writing the @HTML5Now booklet in #HTML5. hard to express how right this feels. perhaps: cognitive resonance

    2010-141 19:33 using BBEdit.
  64. LAST DAY @VTM_WD early bird tix #html5 #css3 June 28-30 @SF http://voicesthatmatter.com/webdesign2010 use code WTANTEK for even more savings.

    2010-141 10:40 using BBEdit.
  65. completed screenshots/screencasts for @html5now. next: the booklet. has been much harder than expected. #html5 #writing

    2010-141 10:03 using BBEdit.
  66. taking a break from @html5now screenshots/screencasts to recognize the 140th day of the year. #twitterday

    2010-140 23:30 using BBEdit.
  67. @waxpancake I'm waiting for the band CSS to do an album named '); DROP TABLE *; -- cf http://xkcd.com/327 #ifonly

    2010-140 17:10 using BBEdit.
  68. #HTML5 video disruption: http://webmproject.org #VP8 support YouTube Firefox Opera Flash. bye Theora, look out H.264 #io

    2010-139 12:58 using BBEdit.
  69. want to do social content hosting right? read @kellan's personal blog post http://j.mp/mincomp #ownyourdata longurl: http://laughingmeme.org/2010/05/18/minimal-competence-data-access-data-ownership-and-sharecropping/

    2010-139 12:31 using BBEdit.
  70. think positive http://barcamp.org/Diversity via @chrismessina, @mulegirl's superb post: http://j.mp/confres longurl: http://weblog.muledesign.com/2010/05/an_open_letter_to_our_industry.php

    2010-138 23:55 using BBEdit.
  71. @chrismessina "alternative ... all female lineup" - seriously? separate but equal isn't. #segregation #lessconf - suggesting such a "great alternative" may not be an explicit call for segregation but their actions/patterns implicitly speak louder than their words.

    2010-137 19:55 using BBEdit.
  72. watching the #lessconf tweetwreck. paging @chrismessina: time for "Future of White Boy clubs" post pt 3. see pts 1-2 http://factoryjoe.com/blog/2006/09/15/the-future-of-white-boy-clubs/ http://factoryjoe.com/blog/2009/02/27/future-of-white-boys-clubs-redux-fowaspeak/ and see related recent post by @lauraglu: http://laura.gluhani.ch/post/533897866/we-have-a-two-year-program-here-and-we-try-like and of course the live commentary: http://search.twitter.com/search?q=lessconf

    2010-137 18:44 using BBEdit.
  73. "On May 14th we ... shut down the service" [removed all content] http://etherpad.com/transition.html #ownyourdata

    2010-137 10:48 using BBEdit.
  74. 1 more week! @VTM_WD Web Design early bird tix extended to Friday 05-21 http://voicesthatmatter.com/webdesign2010

    2010-137 10:10 using BBEdit.
  75. update: @W3C AC Reps, for specs w/o test suites or interop browser support: vote NO on PRs, downgrade RECs to CRs. PR = Proposed Recommendation, REC = Recommendation, CR = Candidate Recommendation. Encourage more tests suites for, and iteration on, working drafts (WDs) like HTML5, CRs like many CSS specs. Follow-up to http://ttk.me/t45j5.

    2010-136 10:12 using BBEdit.
  76. idea: use @foursquare TO DOs for GTD venue-specific context next actions. checkin = reminder. cc: @gtdguy @hotdogsladies

    2010-136 4:11 using BBEdit.
  77. "OpenID Connect builds on top of OAuth ... complementary with #RelMeAuth" -@daveman692. happy to be corrected -@t

    2010-135 20:38 using BBEdit.
  78. Dear @W3C AC Reps, vote NO on XHTML Modularization + all specs w/o test suites, interop browser implementations #moz - see @davidbaron's post: "We don’t see this specification as relevant to how browsers implement HTML or how Web authors writing content for the public Web write HTML." http://blog.mozilla.com/standards/2010/05/13/mozilla-at-w3c-review-of-xhtml-modularization-per/ Update: see http://ttk.me/t45k2.

    2010-135 20:30 using BBEdit.
  79. Instead of #OpenID Connect ideas, why not help iterate/build on #RelMeAuth implementation? http://ufs.cc/w/relmeauth - draft is public domain, has an open source working Python implementation on github, and PHP library in progress.

    2010-135 20:08 using BBEdit.
  80. @daveman692 content, data, links in HTML on the web easier to author, publish, edit, and more reliable than XML/JSON (over time, maintenance, visible data/pages updated, invisible meta rots). Re: complexity - probably requires in-person discussion.

    2010-135 20:05 using BBEdit.
  81. Sorry @chrismessina @jsmarr I'm calling bullshit on #OpenID Connect. Still too complex, unnecessary vocab renaming, ignores primacy of HTML on the web, and most of all: fails to start with user and user interface needs, and make them first and foremost in the design.

    2010-135 19:53 using BBEdit.
  82. next 6 mo., many possibilities, chaotic dynamics. need to map forking paths. http://j.mp/ksthry http://j.mp/frkpths http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_theory http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Garden_of_Forking_Paths

    2010-135 17:58 using BBEdit.
  83. I'm speaking on #HTML5 (on practical video and more) @VTM_WD June 28-30 - LAST DAY for early bird tix. coupon discount code WTANTEK will get you $200 off: http://voicesthatmatter.com/webdesign2010

    2010-134 10:58 using BBEdit.
  84. http://Revision3.com launches #HTML5 Video support for iPad! Great working with @dlprager @ronxo + team to help make this happen: http://revision3.com/blog/2010/05/14/revision3-embraces-html5-the-ipad/

    2010-134 10:44 using BBEdit.
  85. Who's speaking @VTM_WD June 28-30 @SF? @jjg #ux, @t #html5, @simplebits #css3, @khoi, @emilylewis #microformats + more! Get an early bird ticket by 2010-05-14: http://voicesthatmatter.com/webdesign2010/

    2010-133 19:25 using BBEdit.
  86. ouch. NYT: "Gen X Has a Midlife Crisis" http://j.mp/nytgenx longurl: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/09/weekinreview/09aoscott.html

    2010-133 14:46 using BBEdit.
  87. Jupiter belt loss http://j.mp/athCsU (via @leyink) likely ~15yr cycle http://j.mp/scijup , not monoliths. longurl: http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2010-05/while-hiding-behind-sun-jupiter-loses-one-its-belts

    2010-133 13:37 using BBEdit.
  88. 2 DAYS to get Voices That Matter:Web Design early tix! http://voicesthatmatter.com/webdesign2010 #html5 #css3 @microformats - use discount code WTANTEK for $200 off!

    2010-133 13:11 using BBEdit.
  89. free Jolicloud #HTML5 Developer Party - After Google I/O http://joliparty.eventbrite.com #googleio cc @sfparty

    2010-132 14:36 using BBEdit.
  90. so wait, hyped plans + blog posts + tweets + KS = a NYT article? real hackers code first. #diaspora #diso #falcon

    2010-132 9:25 using BBEdit.
  91. parking ticket, eve plan fail, dead car battery. but: new HTML5 embed codes, feats of strength, nice dinner, phone call.

    2010-131 23:52 using BBEdit.
  92. Thanks @dlprager! Great working with the @Revision3 team - excited about the new stuff we're putting together.

    2010-131 23:46 using BBEdit.
  93. renewing my Flickr Pro account for 2 more years; I trust them with 20k+ (5yrs of) photos til I host my own. #ownyourdata

    2010-130 10:01 using BBEdit.
  94. excited with recent progress on @html5now, and starting something new this week. #HTML5 #video

    2010-130 09:20 using BBEdit.
  95. recharged with a nice weekend spent with family. Happy Mother's Day mom and sis, your loved ones are lucky to have you.

    2010-129 23:57 using BBEdit.
  96. went back to Technorati ca 2005 for nested ems tag cloud, now proper HTML5. anyone have a current example? #html5now http://web.archive.org/web/20051224054742/technorati.com/tag

    2010-128 0:48 using BBEdit.
  97. smiling @ http://adactio.com/journal/1665 welcome to the club @adactio http://j.mp/xhtmn :) #htmlwon long url http://tantek.com/log/2006/06.html#d17t2231

    2010-127 22:57 using BBEdit.
  98. How many photos did you sharecrop on Radar? "plan to halt service on May 26th" http://blog.radar.net #ownyourdata

    2010-127 18:47 using BBEdit.
  99. using microsoft.com source (ca 2000 via archive.org) as an example of obsolete ALINK VLINK etc #balance #html5now

    2010-127 13:43 using BBEdit.
  100. @boltron yikes! glad to hear you're ok. damn cages. what kind of car? did they run? hope you get enough for a new bike.

    2010-127 11:59 using BBEdit.
  101. nicely done @rohitkhare: Facebook's Disconnect: Open Doors, Closed Exits http://tcrn.ch/dpmPAa + http://knx.to/dc

    2010-127 11:44 using BBEdit.
  102. new Gmail filter Matches: from:(facebookmail.com) subject:("suggested you like") Do this: Skip Inbox, Delete it

    2010-127 10:00 using BBEdit.
  103. cooked a late night dinner: organic veggies + tofu simmered in korma, wild lemon pepper salmon. mission minis to follow.

    2010-127 0:29 using BBEdit.
  104. using netscape.com source (ca 2000 via archive.org) as an example of HTML tag soup. #kickingadeadportal #html5now

    2010-126 22:31 using BBEdit.
  105. @ptarjan the trailing ttk.me permashortlink is a microsyntax citation to the original. when to click? when you see ... . syndication discoverable permashortlinks are part of @Falcon http://tantek.pbworks.com/Falcon which is an in-progress implementation of http://ttk.me/t4432 - a proposed DiSo 2.0 roadmap.

    2010-126 22:20 using BBEdit.
  106. reviewing an @html5now cover iteration. great working with the @Peachpit @NewRiders folks and their attention to detail.

    2010-126 22:01 using BBEdit.
  107. disappointed in @foursquare venues w FBLike no hCard. user.css: iframe[src*="facebook.com/plugins"]{display:none}

    2010-126 19:00 using BBEdit.
  108. previewed @adactio's "HTML5 for Web Designers" and highly recommend it. preorder @abookapart http://books.alistapart.com

    2010-126 16:42 using BBEdit.
  109. .@foursquare down = old school checkin: @21stAmendment ! upstairs. early for @microformats: http://ufs.cc/w/e/45Z

    2010-124 18:28 using BBEdit.
  110. enjoying Red Sox vs Angels at Fenway Park (1st time). thanks @bengreene for a ticket and @evanish for bringing me along!

    2010-123 19:02 using BBEdit.
  111. Blogger turned off FTP May 1st http://blogger-ftp.blogspot.com Who/what will step up for the indie web? #diso

    2010-123 15:20 using BBEdit.
  112. suggested #Boston #aquapocalypse viewings: Tank Girl http://ttk.me/i/a/fve8 + Waterworld http://ttk.me/i/a/3y53Uf #1995

    2010-123 8:53 using BBEdit.