#devnestsf Q: Comments on @ev decentralized id post http://j.mp/5epoi @kevinmarks http://j.mp/kmrpev ? longurls: http://evhead.com/2011/04/five-easy-pieces-of-online-identity.html http://epeus.blogspot.com/2011/04/evs-identity-map-ignores-what-we-say.html
#devnestsf: "We used Mechanical Turk to sign-up for 7000 topic-specific Twitter accounts" -@Quora rep [TOS violation?]
#devnestsf: @Klout story is interesting. people are getting free stuff, better service due to @Klout scores, partners.
OH: "The DataMinr presenter would totally fail a Voight-Kampff test." #devnestSF
at Twitter #devnestSF listening talks from @dickc @rsarver. new "TwitterGuest" wifi password = MacOSX wifi fail: This is the icon you see in the MacOSX menubar when connecting to a secured wifi network that you have saved in your Network Preferences with an older password. No message indicating a problem, no opportunity provided to enter a new password. When is this going to get fixed in MacOSX?