

  1. Wonderful time in Warsaw #FalsyValues, London @OpenTechUK and Brighton with @adactio @wordridden. Back to SF. Spending time on the flight implementing a slew of improvements in @cassisjs thanks to @falsyvalues talks and attendee feedback.

  2. @michuk thanks! big fan of the identi.ca and status.net folks. #falsyvalues. cc: @powczarek @kaaes. in-reply-to: twitter.com/michuk/status/72621942712180736

  3. @powczarek @kaaes @michuk #falsyvalues: url*ca looks like spam. I noted Whistle diffs from other URL shorteners: http://tantek.com/w/Whistle. In short, Whistle is purely *algorithmic* and focuses on *personal-site* URLs, whereas other open source URL shorteners are *database-based* (they create and depend on hashes of ids that must be looked up, and are thus more fragile / break if database dies), and are intended for shortening *any* URL. I've noted the differences at the top of the Whistle wiki page tantek.com/w/Whistle. If you know of other algorithmically based URL shorteners, please let me know so I can cite/reference them as well and perhaps even re-use them. in-reply-to: twitter.com/powczarek/statuses/71584655131934720 twitter.com/michuk/statuses/71585171299774464.
