On that note, looking forward to collaborating with all the #IndieWebCamp builders and apprentices this weekend: http://plancast.com/p/3cos and http://indiewebcamp.com/Guest_List#Builders
"more than ideas ... We are inventors, we are makers, we are doers." -@BarackObama http://j.mp/invmkdo longlink: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/06/24/remarks-president-carnegie-mellon-universitys-national-robotics-engineer Great quote to kick-off the weekend of IndieWebCamp.com
#osb11 BarCamp: added #schemaorg WTF? to 13:30 SemWeb session and leading 14:30 #IndieWeb discussion. free pass: http://osbridge.eventbrite.com - get the "Community Pass" for $0 just for today (Friday 2011-06-24) and come participate in the sessions starting at 10:15! http://instagr.am/p/GTIm_