
IE10 PP3 (2011-09-13) adds HTML5 History API support! http://j.mp/wieh5h start dropping hashbangs #! previously: HTML5 History pushState API requested by 100s at #W2E San Francisco ~6 months ago: google.com/search?q=%2Bw2e+HTML5+pushstate per tantek.com/2011/088/t3/dear-ie-support-html5-pushstate-html5now-w2e and re-requested tantek.com/2011/188/t6/ie10-drops-conditional-comments-please-add-history. longlinks:
and revision history: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/ie/gg192966?pp3#_RevHistory. What's the next big web platform feature that's holding back the open web?

on (ttk.me t4Dt1) using BBEdit