
a jpg. Post #NPSF yoga posing in the park, as #yogisofnp do. #nofilter

#NP_LAX traverballer Bri Wickland and I ran to Alta Plaza park this morning, all psyched to do PR Wednesday but our leader subs had other plans. The run dance run dance-off repeat workout they came up with was creative and quite fun it turned out.

After workout, group photo, and announcements, the sun had still not risen, so we took the opportunity to yoga pose, backlit by a clear & colorful dawn sky.

#wakeupthesun #fromwhereirun #run #novemberproject #runners #dawn #seenonmyrun #altaplazapark #palmtree #city #skyline #yoga #yogaeveryday #yogis #warriorpose #warrior2 #sidecrow #splitlegsidecrow #inversion #getinverted #armbalance #getoutside

👤 Brianne Wickland(f), Tantek Çelik(f,t,••)
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