Happy March!
It’s an arbitrary boundary, yet I’m relieved February is over. That month was meh overall. January too.
Yes there were a few bright spots** (#NPSF sunrises, #jazziversary, #PublicDomainDay, 30k PR (green trail runs in general), #IndieWebCamp Austin)
Can we (re)start 2019 in March, like years used to?
“Many other cultures and religions still celebrate the beginning of the New Year in March.” (citations would be nice)
#2019 #Gregorian #March #LEGO #month #calendar #startagain #newnewyear #nofilter
**bright spots:
* tantek.com/2019/027/t3/three-npsf-sunrises-sunday-sunset
* tantek.com/2019/025/t2/grand-public-domain-community-microformats-indieweb
* tantek.com/2019/043/t1/sfrc-clouds-hills-muddy-trails
* tantek.com/2019/048/t1/finshed-chabot-redtailridge-30k-pr
* tantek.com/2019/050/t3/corona-heights-green
* https://indieweb.org/2019/Austin