🌞 🏙⛰ 11 miles of #SFRC #yesterday with pal @EmilyMueller88 under a bright sunny sky.
We started early from the Tennessee Valley trailhead parking lot, ran up Marincello to beautiful views on Alta Trail of hills rising from the ocean haze(2) south of the Golden Gate. My favorite spot on Alta Trail is a little #Eucalyptus #forest near its south end. Serendipitously captured booming sunbeams with deep #blue arcs(3) filtered through the trees. I don’t know the optics but the effect was beautiful.
Ran out to the SCA trail where it was so sunny and exposed it was hard to see when photographing, especially when #running. Emily and I traded off leading & following, I was able to get one backlit running shot(4). Emily took a backlit shot of me at the vista point a bit uphill from the SCA trail(5), before I took my own vista shot(1).
She took a selfie of us on the hill(6), we continued the rest of our run catching up on so much each of us had experienced since we’d last seen each other many months ago.
#run #trail #AltaTrail #SCATrail #runner #runners #trailRunner #trailRun #ultraRunner #MarinHeadlands #trailsForBreakfast #optoutside #fromWhereIRun #NeverStopExploring #InstaRunner #laterGram #2019_362 #20191228 #noFilter