Joined pals @BryanTing and birthday lady @theRunetarian yesterday for the first ~16 miles of her 30 on the Skyline to Sea trail run. My first time on this trail, by the time we reached Big Basin, I felt both physically spent (on only 4hrs of sleep), and mentally exhausted from nearly five hours of navigating a new-to-me somewhat technical nearly all single-track trail. Learning from practice, finding limits from experience.
Bryan drove us down from San Francisco before dawn, to quite a dramatic sunrise and low fog on 280(2). We started ~8:15 under thick clouds and ambient white light in a quiet forest(1 📷 @theRunetarian #selfie). Two miles in we emerged onto a ridge (where there was a convenient bathroom), the mottled white gray clouds stretching out overhead to the ocean, contrasted by the fresh green grass from recent rains(3).
The scenery was beautiful the entire way, the #trails narrow, the trees tall(4). Sometimes the #trail would cut through a small clearing(5 📷 @BryanTing). Occasionally we’d see an odd or interesting site, like abandoned old cars from the road above, or old burned out tree trunks, cut-off and covered in green moss like giant chairs(6).
The #trees got larger, thicker, as we approached and finally reached Big Basin park, surrounded by redwoods(7 📷 @BryanTing). A bit more #running around and I hit 19 miles. 30km would have to do for today.
#run #runner #runners #trailRunner #trailRun #ultraRunner #SkylineToSea #CastleRockPark #BigBasin #forest #trailsForBreakfast #optOutside #fromWhereIRun #NeverStopExploring #InstaRunner #50mileTraining #laterGram #2020_018 #20200118 #noFilter