⛰🏃🏻♂️ Ran 26.4 miles yesterday, setting a trail marathon PR and completing my last long training run before #MUC50 #trail race on March 14th.
Beautiful day to start, clear views of Tennessee Valley and the ocean(2). Similarly at Pirates Cove(3), and #running up Heather Cut-off’s beautiful switchbacks(4).
I found a pair of #poppies that had opened brightly(5) on the trail up to Cardiac Hill. Quite warm out there in the open(1).
After an adventure running and hiking through a maze of Muir Woods trails (TCC, Bootjack, Ben Johnson, Deer Park Fire Road), I ran up Miwok down Dias Ridge to the Muir Beach turnaround and back into Green Gulch Farm, location of a zen center, and a water tap at the base of a blossoming tree(6).
After running up the Middle Green Gulch trail and up to the day’s last peak on Coyote Ridge, I could finally see Tennessee Valley down below, beckoning(7).
Ran down the last segment of Miwok to the parking lot, then a bit up Old Springs trail and back down to round out my trail marathon.
#run #runner #trailRunner #trailRun #ultraRunner #Marin #MarinHeadlands #CardiacHill #trailsForBreakfast #optOutside #fromWhereIRun #NeverStopExploring #timeToPlay #InstaRunner #workHardDreamBigDoCoolShit #marathon #50mileTraining #2020_060 #20200229 #leapDay #laterGram #noFilter