☁️🌃🏙⚠️🌲☀️🌳 Late run this past Sunday, the sun had set by the time I reached Twin Peaks(3) and kept running south to the North Peak(2). In anticipation I had worn my headlamp, turning it on for the return run after running past the South Peak and mini third peak after that. First time seeing the city at night from the North Peak(1), a view only for those willing to run/hike trails in darkness.
Earlier that day (or perhaps Saturday) the north side of Twin Peaks Boulevard was blocked off to cars with a gate, allowing only foot traffic, and a few intrepid bicyclists who had to swerve around it into the dirt on the side(4).
Started Sunday’s run with an ascent to the top of Buena Vista Park for sunset views filtered through foliage(5,6).
#run #runner #runners #sunset #SundayRunday #BuenaVistaPark #trailrun #TwinPeaks #SF #SanFrancisco #downtown #skyline #hill #hills #view #nightRun #optOutside #fromWhereIRun #NeverStopExploring #NP_Continues #NP_WeekendWarriors #InstaRunner #2020_089 #20200329 #laterGram #noFilter