👥📰 March 24th, SF distancing day eight. New requirements announced by the city have been implemented, like limiting the number of people allowed into grocery stores, one in one out. Line down the block to get into Haight Street Market, people in line stayed about six feet apart even without explicit markings(1).
The day’s newspapers showed progress in some areas like testing(2), critiques (New York’s density enabled the virus, yet why haven’t denser cities worldwide had the same problems?), and premature considerations of lifting restrictions by the president and wall street executives(3,4).
#line #queue #HaightStreet #HaightAshbury #HaightStreetMarket #GussMarket #HSMCafe #newspaper #newspapers #SanFranciscoChronicle #NewYorkTimes #NYTimes #WSJ #WallStreetJournal #ShelterInPlace #COVID19 #CoronaVirus #SFdistancing #SF #SanFrancisco #2020_084 #20200324 #laterGram #noFilter