Since it is now past the end of 2022, and no further async comments were made on this issue, I am PROPOSING as promised more specifically to resolve this issue:
* link the phrase “good of its users” to
* link the phrase “safe for its users” to (which includes security)
In addition, since those are only two of the four items in the “Vision for the World-Wide Web” section, and it would read more consistently if all four items were linked to respective TAG EWP points, I PROPOSE to make these two additional changes in the same edit:
* link the phrase “all humanity” to
* link the phrase “one interoperable world-wide Web” to
While we may want to consider linking other TAG EWP points in other parts of the document, for the purposes of resolving this issue in a discrete manner, I believe it is sufficient and correct to incrementally make this set of four edits as a net improvement (and close out an old issue), while allowing other issues to be filed for additional discrete improvements.
If the Vision Task Force RESOLVES on these proposals, I am happy to create a PR for the edits accordingly.