

  1. using BBEdit

    Threads.net now supports the #indieWeb #microformats #openStandard rel-me for distributed ✅ verification!^1 (supported since 2023-08-09) My Threads profile already had my domain since it was created from my Instagram profile. View source on https://www.threads.net/@tantek and you can see the #relMe on a link tag: <link rel="me" href="https://tantek.com/" /> Instructions to add yours: * Add your domain to your Threads profile "Link" field. That’s it. Longer explicit steps: https://indieweb.org/rel-me#Threads Thanks especially to @timothychambers.net (@tchambers@indieweb.social, @timothyjchambers@threads.net) for requesting rel-me support^2 which one Threads engineer “decided to hack it together” one night!^3 You can view Tim’s profile @tchambers@indieweb.social for a real world example of a Mastodon profile showing a green text ✅ verified link to a Threads profile. Tim made several good points in his request: “… a small, but disproportionately helpful addition would be to support this "rel=me" feature in your profiles. That could launch well before full ActivityPub, & show the first real integration to open social web standards” Microformats (and IndieWeb) standards in general are deliberately designed as small, incremental building blocks which are disproportionately helpful as Tim says. These small building blocks which directly enable user features are usually something a web developer can code at least some (often complete!) support for in one day/night which makes them particularly appealing as a way to rapidly support open #socialWeb standards used by the #fediverse and beyond. Incrementally implementing microformats & IndieWeb standards^4 also demonstrates good will and good intentions for supporting the #openWeb. This is day 44 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb. #100Days ← Day 43: https://tantek.com/2023/171/t1/anniversaries-microformats-posse → Day 45: https://tantek.com/2023/289/t1/bridgyfed-webmention-like-fediverse Previously: * 2023-02-01 Wikipedia.org supports multiple rel=me links: https://tantek.com/2023/139/t1/wikipedia-supports-indieweb-rel-me ^1 https://www.threads.net/@mosseri/post/Cvu2eXurRbB ^2 https://www.threads.net/@timothyjchambers/post/CupCvChAxI8 ^3 https://www.threads.net/@0xjessel/post/Cvu7-A4viZu ^4 https://spec.indieweb.org/

  2. using BBEdit in reply to: Mozilla standards positions issue 852 comment also on: GitHub

    Thanks https://github.com/bgrins for this summary write-up. Per this analysis I’m going to label our position on this proposal as negative. Since this is a proposal in a personal GitHub repo, and not standards track work nor in any open incubation group, there is no need for a dashboard entry. Closing accordingly.

  3. using BBEdit in reply to: CSSWG issue 8930 also on: GitHub

    Regarding History: > The earliest such proposal I could find was this one from 2009. (https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Apr/0225.html) This sounded familiar (as in I thought I had proposed something similar a while ago), and it turns out I had proposed exactly a "tooltip pseudo-element" nine years earlier 🙈😭 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2000Apr/0014.html Note that the year 2000 was before the WG switched to the "::" prefix for pseudo-element selectors, so all pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes used the single ":" prefix.