

  1. @aral glad you're #ownyourdata blogging :)
    Counter-examples for you:
    Consumer OSS: #Firefox #Chrome #Android
    Enthusiast-first tech: URLs #hashtags Twitter Facebook
    (all of which were iterated and eventually mass adopted)
    Instead of worrying about OSS/enthusiast-tech failures (good to document, but mere strawmen to argue against),
    At indiewebcamp we prefer to focus on successes, research & analyze them, and do better. You should join us more often in IRC and read/contribute to the wiki: http://indiewebcamp.com/

  2. @aral @braempje #indieweb #UX-focussed since start.
    "mainstream" before #selfdogfood is a known anti-pattern: http://indiewebcamp.com/antipatterns#mass_adoption
    i.e. before you have designed and built a good UX to #ownyourdata or even just to own your notes on your site before tweeting them, for *yourself*, how do you expect to design and build a good UX for the mainstream?

  3. @braempje the (existing, well-used) hashtag you were looking for is:
    @aral, you yourself used it: https://twitter.com/aral/status/361808686764654593

  4. @jddunn, jareddunn.org looks nice.
    What software / plugins / templates are you using?
    #indieweb #ux

  5. @Twitter @rsarver Questions about the new headlines feature:
    Perhaps start an FAQ?

  6. Questions About @Twitter's Related Headlines Feature


    I learned from Ryan Sarver that Twitter launched a new feature for showing headlines and linking to stories that embed tweets

    Some questions immediately came to mind:

    Is this like showing pingbacks and mentions?

    Many blogs for quite some time (notably, WordPress blogs) have shown pingbacks of links from other blogs, with a title of the referencing blog post and (an often awkwardly) abbreviated post summary.

    Similarly, some existing blogs have "Referencing Articles" or "Mentions" among other things in the footer section of posts.

    Most recently, newer indieweb blogs are showing mentions received via the webmention protocol - which is essentially everything you wanted in pingback, and less (no XML-RPC baggage, just HTTP).

    Thus are "Related headlines" of a tweet the equivalent of pingbacks or mentions sections in blog posts?

    Do related headlines require domain whitelisting?

    Twitter's Twitter Cards feature requires that your website be "approved" (AKA whitelisted) before information from your site shows up in summaries underneath tweets.

    Do all articles (blog posts) that embed a tweet (like this post that embeds the @Twitter tweet above) show up in the "Related headlines" section of a tweet?

    Or do only posts from Twitter-whitelisted domains show up in "Related headlines"?

    And if so is there a separate "Related headlines whitelist"?

    Or does Twitter simply have a single master whitelist they use for Twitter Cards and Related headlines?

    Whatever the answers, such "whitelisting" has long been a source of confusion and doubt with odd things happening like:

    Each of these begs additional questions (on the linked pages).

    How does Twitter discover articles that embed tweets?

    When an article embeds the HTML markup of a tweet, there's no explicit mechanism to notify Twitter that that the article has done so.

    So how is Twitter notified of the embedding?

    Does it require someone to view the article that embeds the tweet and thus execute Twitter's widgets.js script?

    Do related articles have to use Twitter Cards?

    Must an article use Twitter Cards meta markup in its <head> element to show up in a tweet's "Related headlines" section?

    screenshot of a tweet highlighting the Related headlines section

    On the example tweet, only 2 out of the first 3 "Related headlines" had explicit Twitter Card meta tag markup, though the third did have Facebook Open Graph Protocol (OGP) meta markup.

    Yet all three of those "Related headlines" show a Twitter account name and @-name underneath the display. So how does the article from foxsports.com (without Twitter Card meta markup) get "FOX Sports" and "@FOXSports" displayed underneath?

    Absent Twitter Card meta markup, does Twitter infer which Twitter account to show from the presence of a data-via attribute on a "Tweet" (AKA Twitter Share) button? (which the foxsports.com article does have)

    Absent proprietary Twitter Card or Facebook OGP meta markup, does a "Related headlines" entry show information from standards-based markup instead? E.g.:

    name of article
    from the <title> element of the page
    URL of the article
    from the widgets.js referrer or a rel=canonical link on the page
    associated Twitter account
    from rel=author to a Twitter profile
    or from rel=author to an author page on the same domain as the article (e.g. home page), which then has a rel=me link to a Twitter profile

    In short, is there a purely open standards markup way to have an article included in the "Related headlines" on a tweet, or does Twitter require you to add (some form of) proprietary meta markup?

    If an article embeds a reply-tweet (either an @-reply or a mention-reply), will that reply-tweet show a "Related headlines" section listing that article?

    Or do only "top level" tweets get a "Related headlines" section?

    E.g. Aaron Parecki posted a test article that embedded a mention-reply tweet of mine. So far, no "Related headlines" section on my tweet. But that could be for any number of reasons (see above).

    He also posted a second test article that embedded a top level tweet of mine - and nothing has shown up there yet either. Which brings me to my next question…

    Once an article embeds a tweet, and publishes it, how long does it take for the tweet's "Related headlines" section to display the article?

    Or, how long after you view the article online, does Twitter notice that the article is embedding the tweet? (related to notification above)

    Is there a "views" threshold? I.e. must the article get some number of views (retrievals of the widgets.js script) for Twitter to consider showing the article in the "Related headlines" section?

    One data point: a Techcrunch article "took 5 hours to show up".

    Is there some maximum amount of time after which you can be sure your article is not going to show up (for whatever reason)?

    In other words, how long do you have to wait to see if embedding the tweet "worked" to have your post show up as a related headline, or wonder if there is something wrong with your article?

    Which brings me to…

    How do you figure out why an article fails to show up?

    Once you:

    1. publish an article with an embedded tweet
    2. view it on the web
    3. verify that the embedded tweet displays properly in the article
    4. wait (some indeterminate amount of time)
    5. and note the article is not listed in the tweet's "Related headlines" section

    How do you figure out why and what troubleshooting steps should you take?

    How do you opt-out of related headlines on your tweets?

    Dan Gillmor tweeted:

    Clearly he's not happy about Twitter adding "relevant" links to his tweets.

    Which brings me back to the question: how does a Twitter user turn off the display of "Related headlines" section on their tweets?

    Why would a Twitter user want to do that? E.g. what if you don't want Twitter linking from your tweets to your competitors' articles?

    This perhaps begs the larger question of, just how much presentational control (or lack thereof) can users of a free content hosting service like Twitter expect?


    Related Articles

    (manually curated :)

  7. @jlsuttles because ordinal dates are better:
    also comical to post about 2013-02-27 on 2013-227.

  8. @SimonSapin ordinal dates provide more linear sense of time. Simpler date math. A step towards: newcal.org

  9. @edburns ISO 8601 dates with hyphens are more human readable:

  10. Thank you #xkcd: https://xkcd.com/1179/
    a png.
    My nephews use ISO 8601 dates, you can too.

  11. nice @klintron article wired.com/wiredenterprise/2013/08/indie-web!
    unsung #indieweb heroes:
    * co-founders @aaronpk @caseorganic @skinny
    * @evanpro: #fsws2010 <- @indiewebcamp grew out of that summit.

  12. Huge problem with
    * everything in the cloud
    * background cloud sync
    = fast drain mobile/mifi batteries
    cc: @kevinmarks

  13. #LongNow: listening to Daniel Kahneman on Thinking Fast and Slow longnow.org/seminars/02013/aug/13/thinking-fast-and-slow
    reading en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual_process_theory

  14. Eight years ago we got barcamp.org @ritualcoffee, @eris made a logo
    flic.kr/p/5VLWo @rk @photomatt @chrismessina @termie
    a jpg.
    and it happened six days later.

    Previously: http://tantek.com/log/2006/07.html#d10t0805

  15. nice Daft Punk interview:
    via @tessa
    Clever scrolling/fading images/backgrounds
    cc @erikastotle

  16. posted thoughts on expanding #indieweb #POSSE to full POSSE #CRUD functionality: indiewebcamp.com/POSSE#CRUD

  17. @CjopCjop tweeting from your domain means posting notes to your site, having your server copy to Twitter. AKA #POSSE

  18. thoughtful and well-written analysis of #JSONLD by @veganstraightedge
    it was a topic at #osfw3c

  19. Thanks @aaronpk @benwerd @ciberch @ellenfeaheny @eric_meeks @gfxman @kevinmarks @lehawes et al for #osfw3c coverage!

  20. #osfw3c great #indieweb after-demo discussions.
    Agreed to improve reply UI/UX with #webactions + @Mozilla Social API.

  21. #osfw3c @benwerd idno.co will support @Mozilla Social API to easily post federated replies like http://aaronparecki.com/notes/2013/08/08/2/osfw3c

  22. #osfw3c @benwerd's talk&demo uses idno slide posting support written 2 days ago in 1.5 hrs, after he had a root canal!

  23. #osfw3c @evanpro rocks it as usual with his pump.io talk & demo with #ActivityStreams CRUD support and more.

  24. Thanks #osfw3c!

    Great #indieweb demos:
    * @aaronpk #indieauth & #p3k post
    * Bret.io @Github & Jekyll reply & #webmention

  25. #POSSE

    * Publish Own Site Syndicate Elsewhere
    * Social=people over federation
    * #ownyourdata & share with friends

  26. #SelfDogFood

    * #dogfood - building on your API
    * "self" = your domain
    * helps focus, prioritize, simplify, minimize

  27. #OwnYourData

    * #ownyouridentity - domain
    * "tweeting" 100% from my site since 2010-001
    * my content, my #UI #UX (nav)

  28. Core IndieWeb Principles:


    (#osfw3c #indieweb talk & @Falcon demo)

  29. And now at #osfw3c:
    * @mixedpuppy (Mozilla) overview of Social API.
    * @dglazkov (Google) overview of Web Components.

  30. #osfw3c day 2 #OpenSocial talks - all in Powerpoint.
    Why no Open Social presentation gadget?
    Y U NO #DOGFOOD? (o.o)//

  31. If you watch one video today, watch this:
    #daftpunk #colbchella via @erikastotle @ColbertReport

  32. Best social web news today:
    @AppDotNet supports h-entry h-card rel=me #microformats2!

  33. @jasnell Google's market position makes them a bully when they go down their own path instead of working openly. #osfw3c

  34. #osfw3c #Schema-org also sets a bad example in both forking #ActivityStreams and diverging /Person from IETF #vCard4.

  35. #osfw3c Sam Goto asks is #schema good or bad?
    Schema bad for open web, only allows publishing: http://tantek.com/2013/219/t19/osfw3c-contrast-microformats2-cc0-owfa-ogp-schema

  36. #osfw3c contrast:

    Open publish+consume:
    * #microformats2: #CC0+#OWFa
    * #OGP: #OWFa

    Publish only:
    * #Schema: http://schema.org/docs/terms.html
    "they grant an option to receive a license under reasonable and non-discriminatory terms without royalty,
    *solely for the purpose of including markup*
    of structured data in a webpage"
    [*emphasis* mine]

  37. #osfw3c asked Google #Schema-org folks to use #OWFa license at their 2011 workshop. They refused. Schema is not open.

  38. #osfw3c #Schema-org talk: is nonstarter for open web due to no RF patent license for consuming: schema.org/docs/terms.html

  39. @ciberch if your spec is only adopted by intranet, it's intranet-only.
    specs without open web traction fail. #osfw3c

  40. @ciberch intranet-only (or centric) specs fail (WS-*).
    Standards succeed in the open, then enterprise adopts.

  41. @ciberch thanks for G+ API link. Looks proprietary, based on but not actually ActivityStreams: http://indiewebcamp.com/Google%2B#Activities

  42. @harryhalpin PuSH yes.
    OGP? Who consumes besides FB (+ some Twitter)?
    Rest are dead or intranet-only (dying).

  43. @ciberch which specs in what open web sites? URLs?
    @harryhalpin intranet-only specs are as dead as ActiveX.

  44. Learned at #osfw3c:
    @W3C should start a CG that can teach how to put HTML slides on the web instead of Powerpoint/PDF.

  45. @annbass if someone does not know enough HTML to publish specs+slides, they know not enough to innovate on top #osfw3c

  46. really wondering, who at #osfw3c actually ships code/products that create permalinks on the web vs. behind a firewall?

  47. @annbass here's a good start:
    #microformats #hcard #hentry #webmention #xfn

  48. new rule: if you can't publish your *web* "standard" doc/spec in *HTML*, go learn HTML before trying to innovate. #osfw3c

  49. @manusporny - am not going to link to a *PDF* about proposed *web* technologies (however bloated). #osfw3c

  50. if you're publishing your *web* "standard" docs/specs in PDF not HTML, you're doing it wrong. #osfw3c

  51. just learned about a #fatberg equivalent of web tech: Open Social + LinkedData/JSONLD + RDF. docs are in PDF. #osfw3c

  52. made it to #osfw3c workshop. Those of us with our own #indieweb domains are writing them on our badges in red Sharpie.

  53. day 1 of @W3C Social Standards Workshop. Disappointed that  http://www.w3.org/2013/socialweb/ mentions mostly dead specs. #osfw3c

  54. “it was a case of the past and the future mutually coexisting. And then the past just goes away” — @GreatDismal
    Brilliant summary of what we see so often in technology, standards, culture.

  55. Wonderful #indieweb SF hack day @aaronpk bret.io @benwerd @brianloveswords @MozSF. Next: eats @21stAmendment! #osfw3c

  56. Thanks @SFHTML5! Great crowd, Q&A @microformats #HTML5 talk:
    72 min video: youtu.be/kDQigkxyiqE
    wiki/notes: microformats.org/wiki/events/2013-07-25-sfhtml5
    Packed house 300+ @Adobe in SF:
    a jpg.

  57. @kevinmarks, would be great to see your "tweets as html" #microformats2 notes as an epeus.blogspot.com blog post!

  58. “… in riot gear, paid for by the tax payers, assaulting tax payers’ children …”
    Previously: http://instagram.com/p/bsZSJ/
    a jpg.
    See also:
    * flickr.com/photos/tags/pepperspraycop/interesting/
    * web.stagram.com/tag/pepperspraycop/

  59. No @instagram clients that upload photos … except a worm.
    Is it using github.com/mislav/instagram/wiki?
    Can we #indieweb #POSSE?

  60. @aubs @bradyforrest @tessa spam photo is gone but your @instagram profile still links to portal-bbc goto-bbc links-bbc

  61. @lauraglu scary. You gave @instagram permissions or pw (#phish?) to something that edited your profile & posted photo.

  62. DO NOT click on *-bbc_co_uk links. It adds a link in your @instagram profile, posts a photo. cc: @bradyforrest @tessa

  63. If you see "Link is in my bio" on an @instagram post, DO NOT go click on it. IG worm going around. cc: @lauraglu @aubs

  64. #EIA2013 questions re: @microformats parsers
    #uf2 JS/PHP/Ruby + more .Net/Java/Perl/Python/XSLT

  65. #EIA2013 #microformats2 slides:
    Back in Tallinn/TTÜ tomorrow late morning, more Q&A then!

  66. Excited to be in Tallinn, and honored to present on #HTML5 & #microformats2 at #EIA2013!

  67. Beautiful. @benwerd posted an #indieweb comic:

    * tantek.com/2013/149/b1/bayesian

  68. To live longer*
    1 Keep learning
    2 Visit new places
    3 Meet new people
    4 Do new activities
    5 Be spontaneous
    *Perception thereof at least, by making your brain actively work harder processing new information more frequently.
    List from and more details at:
    See also:
    * inc.com/jessica-stillman/how-to-make-your-days-feel-longer.html
    * newyorker.com/reporting/2011/04/25/110425fa_fact_bilger?currentPage=all

  69. Artificial sweeteners produce the counterintuitive effect of inducing metabolic derangements: http://download.cell.com/images/edimages/Trends/EndoMetabolism/tem_888.pdf

  70. Why not to post (on Medium)²:

  71. @rk users & search engines can browse/index websites w/o reading a TOS. robots.txt is courtesy (Technorati ignored it)

  72. @shawndrape with OAuth we traded
    1 evil: user/pass (in)security
    for 2: dev complexity & app keys with proprietary TOS

  73. #indieweb on news.ycombinator.com home page
    @benwerd: The IndieWeb as a minimum viable social web ecosystem:

  74. Your “Open API” with proprietary TOS is not open, it’s a bizdev hook.
    You know what’s open? HTML over HTTP.

  75. Did “memorandum” originally mean what we would today think of as a “blog post”?
     “… a note, document or other communication that helps the memory by recording events or observations on a topic …”

  76. standards become public domain once incorporated into law. why not to begin with? e.g. @microformats @WHATWG. Re: https://www.eff.org/press/releases/publicresourceorg-prevails-free-speech-case-over-publishing-safety-standards

    Previously, previously, previously:
    * 2011-06-17: 10 Practices for Good Open Web Standards Development: tantek.com/2011/168/b1/practices-good-open-web-standards-development
    * 2011-05-06: tantek.com/2011/126/t1/htmlwg-preferred-html5-licenses-mit-cc0-over-w3c
    * 2010-10-08: What is the Open Web: tantek.com/2010/281/b1/what-is-the-open-web
    * 2008-01-01: Open as possible means public domain plus a strong community: tantek.com/log/2008/01.html#d01t1946
    * 2007-12-19: Making open standards as open as possible — required public domain licensing of all microformats wiki contributions: microformats.org/2007/12/29/making-open-standards-as-open-as-possible

  77. Best part of @WIRED #superhero powers article:
    is the comments section.
    a jpg.

  78. #IndieWeb Creators: email hhalpin@w3.org TODAY and join @W3C #SocialWeb workshop 2013-08-07…08 in SF. More:
    Send Harry a brief description (1-2 paragraphs is fine) of an #indieweb demo using your site, and ask for an extension if he needs more info.

  79. Portland friends, doing one last coffee & snack meetup / #indieweb hack session 15:30 today at Backspace: backspace.bz

  80. Ask not what #indiewebcamp will do for you, but what together we can create for the freedom of the web.
    (per: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy#Inaugural_Address)

  81. Ask not what the #indieweb can build for you or others — ask what you can create for your own indieweb site.

  82. just participated in my first official #W3C @W3CAB telcon. Particularly impressed with @chaals process work. More soon

  83. Any #WDS2013 #fastwalker / #runner still in Portland?
    Meet 8:30 @AceHotel lobby for an easy ~5k to the bridges & back!

  84. #WDS2013 & Portland friends, going to Prasad 18:45. Delicious vegetarian eats, stop by! cc: @skinny @sstiavetti @willo

  85. #WDS2013 We're all creators. We all have imagination. If anyone tells you you're not, they're a liar! Steve Schalchlin

  86. #WDS2013 @ProBlogger Academy workshop tip: Use #HTML5 and @microformats: supported by Google, other search engines, and many more sites than alternatives.

  87. #WDS2013 @ProBlogger Challenge: Put aside 15 min per day to do something connected to monetizing. List of 11:
    Somethings toward monetizing:
    1. Write an ebook/book
    2. Contact potential advertisers
    3. Write emails for your auto-responder
    4. Create videos for a course
    5. Create a media kit and advertiser page
    6. Build a relationship with a charity that you want to support
    7. Develop an affiliate network to promote your existing product
    8. Develop a coaching/consulting service
    9. Start approaching other blogs to guest post for
    10. Plan an event (online or offline)
    11. Look at what other blogs in your niche are doing
    « Insert your own action here »
    from @darrenrowse at the ProBlogger Academy workshop.

  88. #WDS2013 "@Problogger subscribers are now 73% subscribe with email, and only 27% via #RSS #feed." - @darrenrowse

  89. #WDS2013 "thought #RSS was going to be big thing in 2006, my dad tried out Bloglines, never went back." - @darrenrowse

  90. at #WDS2013 @ProBlogger Academy workshop, listening to @darrenrowse speak to a room packed with #indieweb potentials.

  91. Spent the morning @ACEhotel floor 1½, #indieweb hacking with @aaronpk. Got multi-reply working. http://indiewebcamp.com/multi-reply#Indieweb_Examples_of_Multiple_Replies

  92. Two timely #indieweb posts for #July4th Independence Day
    @julien51: blog.superfeedr.com/indieweb/
    bret.io: bret.io/2013/06/28/indiewebcamp-2013-roundup/

  93. #RestoreThe4th
    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

