

  1. User flow and permalinks from @dissolve33 @aaronpk @kevinmarks @kylewmahan’s #IndieWeb #SWAT0 achievement: http://tantek.com/2015/193/t1/congratulations-first-indieweb-swat0

    Players A, B, C as summarized on tantek.com/2015/029/t1/swat0-posts-tags-mobile-photo-comment:

    Player A: Ben Roberts (ben.thatmustbe.me)
    Player B: Aaron Parecki (aaronparecki.com)
    Player C1: Kevin Marks (known.kevinmarks.com using reader.kylewm.com)
    Player C2: Kyle Mahan (kylewm.com using reader.kylewm.com)

    Following the same steps as documented at: https://indiewebcamp.com/SWAT0#Brainstorming

    I’ve added (parenthetical) remarks for additional informative details, and [bracketed] comments for aspects that may be different than expected.

    1. With his phone, ben.thatmustbe.me (in Boston) takes a photo of aaronparecki.com (in Portland) [on a live broadcast], tags him in the photo, and posts it to his site:

    Photo permalink on:
    * https://ben.thatmustbe.me/photo/2015/7/12/9/
    a photo.

    2. aaronparecki.com gets a notification [on his phone!] that he’s been tagged in a photo.

    Screenshot from Aaron Parecki’s phone:
    a photo.

    3. known.kevinmarks.com [and kylewm.com] (both of whom are in the San Francisco Bay Area) who are subscribed to ben.thatmustbe.me [on the reading service reader.kylewm.com], sees the photo in his reader UI

    https://reader.kylewm.com/ as shown in this Chrome/iOS screenshot:
    a photo.

    4. known.kevinmarks.com [and kylewm.com] posts a reply to the photo from this UI, the reply is posted to his site.

    Comment permalinks on:
    * http://known.kevinmarks.com/2015/aaron-is-now-demoing-swat0-replies
    * https://kylewm.com/2015/07/much-better-photo-very-handsome-not-so-sleepy

    5. aaronparecki.com and ben.thatmustbe.me receive notifications that known.kevinmarks.com [and kylewm.com] has commented on the photo.

    Screenshot from Aaron Parecki’s phone:
    a photo.
    Screenshot from Ben Roberts’s computer receiving notification via Chrome:
    a png.
    When he clicks that it loads his notifications page: https://ben.thatmustbe.me/activity which shows more information:
    a png.
    including receiving comments on his photo in the same minute from both Kevin Marks and Kyle Mahan.

    Requirements from SWAT0 description:

    * users are on at least 2 (ideally 3) different services
     A. ben.thatmustbe.me
     B. aaronparecki.com
     C. reader.kylewm.com + known.kevinmarks.com [+ kylewm.com]

    * each of which is built with a different code base
     A. Mobilepub + Postly
      * https://github.com/dissolve/mobilepub
      * https://github.com/dissolve/postly
     B. P3K + Prowl
      * http://indiewebcamp.com/p3k
      * http://prowlapp.com/
     C. Woodwind + Known [+ Red Wind]
      * https://github.com/kylewm/woodwind
      * https://withknown.com/
      * https://github.com/kylewm/redwind
    This demo was also all recorded on live video as well during today’s IndieWebCamp 2015 Portland demos. Video link to follow.

    Update 2015-07-14: Video: https://aaronparecki.com/notes/2015/07/14/1/swat0

  2. Congratulations @dissolve33 @aaronpk @kevinmarks @kylewmahan for the first #indieweb #SWAT0 demo!! Previously: http://tantek.com/2015/029/t1/swat0-posts-tags-mobile-photo-comment

    This is a huge milestone.

    The Social Web Acid Test Level 0 (SWAT0) was proposed nearly 5 years ago at the first Federated Social Web Summit: tantek.com/2010/199/t3/fsws-social-web-acid-test-swat-v0

    There was previously only *one* demo of SWAT0, using Statusnet and Cliqset, captured only on video. The permalinks from Statusnet are gone. And Cliqset itself shutdown less than a year later.

    Today is the first time SWAT0 has been done with:

    * 3 people
     * Ben Roberts, Aaron Parecki, Kevin Marks - and same time:
     * Ben Roberts, Aaron Parecki, Kyle Mahan

    * 3 different sites
     * ben.thatmustbe.me, aaronparecki.com, reader.kylewm.com

    * 3 different implementations
     * Mobilepub, P3k+Prowl, Woodwind + (Known | Red Wind)

    And as a bonus:

    * from 3 different geographical locations
     * Boston, Portland, SF Bay Area
    * in 2 different programming languages
     * PHP, Python

    And last but not least, the combination of Ben Roberts, Aaron Parecki, Kyle Mahan achieving SWAT0 is a HUGE breakthrough for the web since they all did it:
    * on their own sites
    * with software they personally wrote


    Update: See http://tantek.com/2015/193/t2/user-flow-permalinks-indieweb-swat0 for specific user flow, permalinks, and screenshots.
