Japan airport security is basically pre-2001 (sans theater) * keep shoes & jacket on * metal detector Unlike: American airport security * remove hoodie, jacket, etc. * slower and more radiative millimeter/backscatter I went through both Tokyo/Haneda and Chitose airport security this week. Haneda's security was also ok with using a single tray for liquids, devices, laptop, coins etc. for their x-ray machiens, in contrast to U.S. airport security requiring separate trays for each laptop, and any liquids or anything else. I can only conclude that the TSA's extra procedures and expensive radar devices are a waste of time & resources, no more than a perpetuation of a culture of fear since 2001. I remain hopeful that the TSA will eventually adopt measures similar to Japanese airports and return to just using metal detectors.
Twitter post 660107140799922176https://igcdn-photos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t51.2885-15/e35/12145332_1662314194043465_2009449288_n.jpg https://instagram.com/p/9XVBIRA9cj/ Social Web session @W3C #TPAC2015 in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.
Twitter post 659200247483097088https://instagram.com/p/9SOdEDg9Wa/ We built a Portable Planetarium <$500 and won #ScienceHackDay Best Hardware! We transformed @Github's Oval Office last night into a Planetarium for 20+ science hackers laying on the floor, piloted by yours truly dressed in a white lab coat for the part, naturally. Today the Science Hack Day judges awarded us (@ekai, Bryn, me) Best Hardware (out of 32 projects). Parts: $250 100 lumen #picoprojector $200 iPod 5 Touch $40 fisheye lens, repurposed $3 opensource Stellarium iOS app $1 duct tape $0 scrap cardboard Turning any livingroom or classroom into a spaceship to explore the universe: Priceless.
Twitter post 658493662993584128going to IndieWebCamp SF 2015-12-03. You should too! indie event https://kylewm.com/2015/12/indiewebcamp-sf-2015 silo fb.com/events/175203116150206
Twitter post 657440286818209792going to IndieWebCamp MIT 2015-11-07…08 Cambridge MA! indie event aaronparecki.com/events/2015/11/07/1/indiewebcamp silo fb.com/events/193135737685881
Twitter post 657417557041741824https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/e35/12144292_512027988966434_466515187_n.jpg https://instagram.com/p/8yFfoFg9dH Did #NPSF #tracktuesday yesterday morning: * 400 800 1200 800 1200 800 400 Previously, a week ago 2015-279: https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/e35/12107700_181854498819207_1508019488_n.jpg https://instagram.com/p/8hLUFWg9ZK/ Workout: 1200 1200 600 600 600 4x300 I did: 800 1200 600 600 400 4x300 Two weeks ago 2015-272: https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/e35/11856848_1505725636416209_1796255524_n.jpg https://instagram.com/p/8Olou_A9Tc/ Did #NPSF #tracktuesday: * warmup lap, 2x (5 4 3 2 1 min intervals with 1 min rest between) Three weeks ago 2015-265: https://scontent-sjc2-1.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/e35/11850143_1248981128460929_1753466257_n.jpg https://instagram.com/p/77-oNhA9Xj/ Workout: warmup, 2x1200 2x800 2x400 Was late so did: warmup 2x800 2x400 And previously before that: * tantek.com/2015/244/t1/did-entire-npsf-trackattack
Twitter post 654467938192265216@benwerd after this Saturday, may you see & expect a future much better than “an apocalyptic wasteland.” #tomorrowland
Twitter post 653905490766790656Well done @devjul! “MTV begins at 1996-05-12” http://web.archive.org/web/19960512183908/http://www.mtv.com/ 5 months older than archive of Yahoo. #longevity
Twitter post 653899718129389568Web #longevity question: What’s the oldest page in archive-org? Can you beat 1996-10-17 Yahoo? http://web.archive.org/web/19960415000000*/http://yahoo.com
Twitter post 653896438514999301https://instagram.com/p/8MzFbrA9bU 2 weeks ago #NFECS #ECSUT Marathon Relay leg 1 in 1:15:34 ~10km trail race PR by almost 2 min!
Twitter post 653086574918238209going to Homebrew Website Club 17:30 @MozSF 2015-10-21! indie event kylewm.com/2015/10/sf-homebrew-website-club-1 silo fb.com/events/671166853018457
Twitter post 652978118483841024@tommorris don’t know anyone supporting #OpenIDConnect login. Some sites have #IndieAuth login https://indiewebcamp.com/IndieAuth#Supporting_Sites
Twitter post 652976843583156224@chrismessina we can make #AMP smaller: * script: ban JSONLD * meta: ban "property" attr, schema-org make optional (not required) * link rel=canonical * meta name=viewport * script ampproject * style body opacity * anything "amp-*" allow but make loading expected to be optional by default: * picture, source * img - by default works like a span with its alt text * perhaps allow per domain user opt-in, starting with same-origin * any @font-face re: https://github.com/ampproject/amphtml/blob/master/spec/amp-html-format.md#required-markup
Twitter post 651876961971646465Remember when I declared js;dr? #AMP: “not include author-written JavaScript, nor 3rd-party scripts” https://www.ampproject.org/how-it-works/#not%20include%20any%20author-written%20JavaScript,%20nor%20any%20third-party%20scripts Background: tantek.com/2015/069/t1/js-dr-javascript-required-dead However, View Source on ampproject.org/how-it-works, and they’ve still got some work to do, e.g. their misuse of <blockquote> for second level headings, e.g.: <blockquote>AMP HTML is pretty fast.</blockquote> Remember in the 1990s when presentational web authors would use "blockquote" to mean, "indent this"? @Zeldman remembers. HTML has a high performance element for second level headings. Curiously enough it’s called <h2>, e.g. that AMP Project page should be using: <h2>AMP HTML is pretty fast.</h2> But this is any easy fix. I’m sure it was a minor oversight. Because why would someone worried about size & performance use 20 characters of open close tag names, when 4 would do? Consider this an open challenge, what else can you cut from AMP? @KevinMarks already has some suggestions: http://www.kevinmarks.com/ampreaction.html
Twitter post 651868490920390656going to Homebrew Website Club 17:30 @MozSF 2015-10-07! indie event kylewm.com/2015/10/sf-homebrew-website-club silo fb.com/events/1018383818191914
Twitter post 651589757009432576Code reviewed @glennjones #microformatshiv #Javascript @microformats parser+tests. Great work! http://microformatshiv.com/
Twitter post 651584724603764738Ran ~2.7km @ ~7000' +200'^ in Park City. Saturday’s #ECSUT Marathon Relay race leg will be ~10.5km @ ~7000' +1600'^.
Twitter post 647294112543080449♫ youtu.be/oFRbZJXjWIA Think that jammin was a thing of the past? We're jammin, Hope this jam is gonna last. @ThisIsMyJam goes read-only in 3 days, I hope this jam is gonna last.
Twitter post 646858582860922880going to Science Hack Day SF 2015! Now open for sign-up: sciencehackday2015.eventbrite.com Are you a designer dreamer builder optimist? Especially for and about the future?
Twitter post 646773517065678848Social Web WG first to adopt* new @W3C Software & Document license†! * http://www.w3.org/2013/socialweb/social-wg-charter#licensing The more liberal CC0+OWFa (Mozilla’s preferred standards licensing‡) is still better, however, the new W3C license is more permissive than the previous W3C Document license. The new W3C license more explicitly allows experimental improvements on W3C specifications, in particular outside W3C, including publishing publicly (with attribution), with the potential for reincorporation into W3C specs. It’s a big step forward, and hopefully experience with this more permissive license will help build confidence in the use of more permissive licenses in general, towards the goal of increasing use of CC0+OWFa for open standards. † http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/copyright-software ‡ https://wiki.mozilla.org/Standards/license Related: • tantek.com/2015/150/t1/running-for-w3cab-again Previously: • tantek.com/2011/168/b1/practices-good-open-web-standards-development Aside: • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dagger_%28typography%29#Modern_usage
Twitter post 646442324919218176going to Homebrew Website Club 17:30 @MozSF 2015-09-23! indie event kylewm.com/2015/09/sf-homebrew-website-club-1 silo fb.com/events/142187966129436
Twitter post 645985070310912000Last week’s purge, ~71 pounds of stuff: * 35 cds * 6 books * 12.8 lbs housewares * 40.4 lbs clothing including: * 16 tshirts * 8 pairs socks * 5 pairs of shoes * 5 pants * 4 long sleeve shirts * 2 sweaters * 2 sweatpants * 1 belt * 1 hoodie Previously: tantek.com/2015/256/t1/purge-stuff-not-building-positive-future
Twitter post 645958858708549633@ibogost the open web is now for optimists building & living it. You use WordPress, try adding https://indiewebcamp.com/Getting_Started_on_WordPress
Twitter post 644999827089174528@benward re: https://www.facebook.com/tantek.celik/posts/10101883746673363?comment_id=10101883803689103 donated the books to Goodwill, they’ll figure it out. 10y+ RSS/Atom namespaces n/a to STEM. Wanted to avoid burdening public library too.
Twitter post 644705364961796097♫ youtu.be/xNPZ_XFst0c This is Orbital’s original “Halcyon (Extended Version)”, in contrast to the “Halcyon On and On” version on the Hackers soundtrack. The accompanying video adds a poignant, surreal, frantic, and sometimes peacefully beautiful backdrop, to the hypnotically looped vocals. Previously: * tantek.com/2015/253/t6/chance-happy-clap-along-you-feel-wanna
Twitter post 644677410491920384OH @TheAmericanSF: To me flying is teleportation. We are living in an era where we can go anywhere in the world in 24h
Twitter post 644673208386461696@kevinmarks will be dead? #Branch funded by @ev @obviousvc *is* dead. My post won, as predicted tantek.com/2015/159/t1/branch-replied-my-site-last-longer
Twitter post 644315290881380352@kevinmarks The idea won’t be to publish on js;dr sites. That is dead to history. The #indieweb, HTML optionally enhanced with JS, is what matters: searchable & discoverable, indexed & archived long after unarchived t.co links have died, like the one in your tweet: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://t.co/JhLo9aUamB “Page cannot be crawled or displayed due to robots.txt.” Previously: tantek.com/2015/069/t1/js-dr-javascript-required-dead
Twitter post 644296186191585280Today’s the 20th anniversary of the release of Hackers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hackers_%28film%29 Who’s up for a viewing tonight?
Twitter post 643794964917420032Happy #8bitday — 256th day of the year (almost missed it!) This year: go #microsoft.com, try #KonamiCode! Prev: http://tantek.com/2014/256/b1/happy-8-bit-day-8bitday Next: I’ve been thinking about how to make 8-bit origami, or perhaps just pixel art origami. Web searches haven’t found much, e.g. making pixel art from a single sheet of paper, without cutting it.
Twitter post 643317973546074112decided to purge stuff not part of building positive futures, donated 5 lbs clothes 20 CDs 10 lbs 10y+ old technology books A good start. Going to set aside a few things to donate every day, clustering them into canvas bags. When a bag is full (or nothing more to donate of that type of item), take it to Goodwill. Repeat until everything left is useful for a positive future, or a part of my identity I want to keep and reinforce. Repair things and only buy things as consumables, replacements/upgrades of current useful things, or to grow new areas of creativity & optimism.
Twitter post 643250393129029632Missing both #xoxo #xoxofest (for the 1st time) and #dConstruct. Good reason: going to celebrate Ariel & Matt tonight.
Twitter post 642776688384974852♫ vimeo.com/80193433 Because if you have a chance to be happy, “Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do.” Previously: * tantek.com/2015/253/t4/chance-happy-mutually-take-it * tantek.com/2015/244/t2/saving-jam-shoot-it-up-there
Twitter post 641980598731567104@kevinmarks definitely that film too. @poulpita have you seen Sneakers? tantek.com/i/a/B00008OE4W
Twitter post 641971755008040960If you have a chance to be happy, especially mutually so with another, take it make it. Life’s short, don’t hold back.
Twitter post 641969886751784960Sometimes I sense a question from a friend, want to give timely advice, can’t in-person, so I hope they see a post.
Twitter post 641969618412769280Thanks @KevinMarks HWC SF notes! kevinmarks.com/hwc2015-09-09.html My #indieweb update: I added photo posts to my site: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-09-01#t1441130307365 http://indiewebcamp.com/photo#Tantek e.g. http://tantek.com/2015/253/t1/wakeupthesun-gasworkspark-np-sea
Twitter post 641958255565107200https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/e35/11950512_395879693956368_1258428648_n.jpg https://instagram.com/p/7ajg5UA9W1/ 🌆 #wakeupthesun yesterday at #GasWorksPark before @nov_project_sea #NP_SEA
Twitter post 641956534994501632Noted to @poulpita that as @W3C Web Security Interest Group co-chair, she needs to see Hackers: tantek.com/i/a/6305047456
Twitter post 641847140755574784Proposed to @W3CAB that all @W3C specs should have a #Security & #Privacy section, like the @W3CTAG’s: https://w3ctag.github.io/security-questionnaire/ from the perspective that I’ve done so myself (i.e. dogfooded) in the most recent @CSS3UI Candidate Recommendation: http://www.w3.org/TR/css-ui-3/#security-privacy-considerations Related: * tantek.com/2015/189/b1/css-basic-user-interface-level-3
Twitter post 641777853630160896not going to tonight’s Homebrew Website Club in SF/PDX (I’m @W3CAB in Redmond) but you should! https://indiewebcamp.com/events/2015-09-09-homebrew-website-club
Twitter post 641769041288413184Talking #WoT @W3CAB. I say any #IoT #security “expert” must at a minimum post their home IP adr & list of appliances.
Twitter post 641689478822805504In 1st @W3CAB in-person meeting of my 2nd elected term. Continuing to push & document #OpenAB: https://www.w3.org/wiki/AB
Twitter post 641393697515569152