Last Friday: #IndieWeb Leaders gathered (📷 @iwontsignuphere) and discussed improving our community, our outreach, and even our website, which updated that night, right before the IndieWeb Summit:
Leaders are those who have stepped up and organized an IndieWebCamp in the past 2 years, or have hosted at least two Homebrew Website Club meetups (and documented them, with at least one photo).
Regardless, we organized our little mini IndieWeb Leaders pre-summit in the open including remote participation: and took notes in our main channel:
It was really great to have a chance to talk about community issues and improvement that we are all passionate about, without having to take time to do so during the IndieWeb Summit itself.
We concluded with the key steps to flip the switch on our site & logo updates (Aaron distributed new stickers), and discussed what steps to take to potentially switch from to The way we as a community openly discussed and agreed on the logo change made sense for this too.
Afterwards we celebrated our first successful IndieWeb Leaders Summit with snacks, drinks, and video games at Ground Kontrol.
The top photo is from @iwontsignuphere but the rest in this post are mine, uploaded to the IndieWebCamp wiki.
Lots more IndieWeb Leaders Summit photos from @julieannenoying in this Flickr set:
More on this year’s IndieWeb Summit to follow!
(Written while sitting next to who asked if I automatically send webmentions to my person-tags and I realized I did not! So I just added support for it. Starting with this post, any person-tags on my photos get homepage webmentions at publishing time!)
#DWebSummit @ChristopherA notes examples: OpenID delegated signin & OAuth. Facebook sign-in improved on OpenID UX, uses OAuth
#DWebSummit @kevinmarks: Facebook provided better UX, more users, and a nicer API too, and it beat OpenSocial.
#DWebSummit @kevinmarks: I worked @Google on OpenSocial, have the scars to show, we had APIs to build apps across 27 networks
#DWebSummit @kevinmarks: One of the reasons that decentralized social networks lost to centralized ones is because of good UX
#DWebSummit @brewster_kahle: “Only the really simple systems live.”
Simpler replaces existing; Webmention is replacing Pingback
#DWebSummit @timberners_lee: “Things happening @W3C, The Social Web Working Group which is very much about this space.”
#DWebSummit @timberners_lee: “bring back the model of decentralized web.”
10,000s on #indieweb today. Join us:
#DWebSummit: @vgcerf caveat:
“what follows are some stream of consciousness thoughts from 4am this morning”
Sounds familiar.
watching @MitchellBaker at #DWebSummit:
“@W3C has a Social Web Working Group and Mozilla is active in that.”
New levels of appreciation for the diversity of people and approaches @IndieWebCamp and @SocialWebWG in the past 5 days.